We all share the same sky but not the same horizon…
SVIMS looks at a different horizon in the provision and process of .management education. Different because it seeks triumph your triumph, as you navigate through academics and life.
It seeks to inspire you to be effective leaders and managers of ethical grounding scripting a new destiny for a resurgent India. Women, when nurtured in the right environment, can blossom into efficient leaders, blessed as they are with qualities of the head and heart, sensibilities and sensitivities.
The SVIMS aspires to give you an education in an environment that will help you exceed your expectations; an education that will transform you this we hope to achieve by providing you with excellent learning facilities, infrastructure, dedicated faculty and professionals. All these towards helping you single-mindedly pursue your dreams while adding to your strengths, competencies and enhancing your character.
We hope you develop a unique charisma a brand that is born of our efforts to build in you principles of life and perseverance that challenge you to do your best always. I welcome you to an academic atmosphere infused with the effervescence of ethics; may you achieve academic and commercial triumph through and with ethics!!