08th May 2021
This year’s alumni meet saw a mix of 25+ alumni and 7 old faculty members of SVIMS attending the virtual celebration. The 2 games that we played and the riveting conversations we had with Alumni took us all through a joyous ride down the memory track. This meet like every year revealed to us how our once naive students have now grown into matured well-rounded personalities. Each one had a valuable suggestion to offer to the current batch of students. This interaction led to good networking even over the virtual platform.
Since we had already planned and called for nominations for 2 awards namely, 1. Miss Entrepreneur and 2. Uneasy and Crowned Head (the leader), our Director announced Ms Nishita and Miss Siddhika as co-winners for the title of ‘Uneasy and Crowned Head.’ While, the 2 short listed ‘Miss Entrepreneur’ award declared winners were Ms Manisha Mali and Ms Vanshika Valbhani.
This meet turned out to be splash of colours, an afternoon of joyful chitter-chatter, a get-together of enthusiastic folks and a lively celebration.

E-Alumni Meet & E-Farewell Party 2020
28th June 2020
By considering the situation of COVID 19, Sadhu Vaswani Institute of Management Studies for Girls has organised a farewell & alumni meet at virtual platform on 28.06.2020, Sunday. The platform we used for E-farewell party & E- Alumni Meet is Microsoft Teams. There were around 50+ participants who have attended the event.
The event started with welcoming the Director, faculty members, alumni students and seniors. Ms. Harshali Chandgadkar welcomed one & all and gave brief introduction of the event. Dr. B. H. Nanwani addressed the students on the event & welcome the Alumni students who have been a great support to SVIMS. Later the event was handed over to student coordinators.
There were different fun activities planned for seniors & Alumni. The party started with first round of Fishpond. The fishponds were already collected from teachers, alumni and seniors via Google form. The very first activity was full of fun & laugh. The second activity named “Memories Se Connect Karo” where in there was a list of names of seniors displayed on the screen like A,B,C wherein A would tell a funny incident or a best memory with B, B would tell a funny incident or a best memory with C , C would tell a funny incident or a best memory with A & so on. It was like flashback to college days & memories with college friends. This activity made them remind the funny & memorable incidents with one another. Later the second round of fishponds was taken followed by the tongue twister challenge. Tongue Twister challenge was named as “RITTLE RATTLE TITTLE TATTLE” is the activity played by all including director ma’am & faculty members where in we had given different tongue twisters to all which they had to say maximum number of times in a minute. This activity was conducted by Ms. Harshali . All participants played it enthusiastically & enjoyed a lot. The next activity was for Alumni students named “What after SVIMS” where in they shared the experiences in professional and social life after SVIMS. They spoke about their job experiences, the challenges faced at early stage, how to grow gradually, how college learning help them in professional life & personal life. The skills they had learned in college, how they applied it to grow and build their personality. This activity made the students imagine their life after college. But the Alumni also said, “College life is the Best”.
Last but not the least there was an Award ceremony planned. The names of the nominees were collected in advance by circulating Google forms. There were four nominations for Alumni like ‘The Entrepreneur of the Year’, ‘The Professional of the Year”, ‘The Emerging Leader Award’, ‘The Active Alumni Award’. The one, who got highest nominations, got the award. There were funny Awards planned for seniors. The list of the Award is as follows:
- The Joker Of The Class
- Miss Fix It
- Class Ki DJ
- The Pen Stealer
- The Chai Holic
- D Bhookad
- Emoji Fan
- Miss Golgappa
- Mad Over Momos
- The Nocturnal
- Miss Chapad Chapad
- The Cry Baby
- Miss Vroom VroooooooM
- The Shopping Queen
- The Gala Gang
The award ceremony was conducted by Ms. Pooja Zawar. The winners were declared by collecting and analysing the nominations. We got highest nominations for “Mad Over Momos” Award & Director ma’am announced this batch as “Momos Batch”
The highlight of this event was “The Best Girl Award”. The criteria for this award is the candidate best in academics, active participant in college activities, best in co-ordinating & managing different events in college etc… When everyone was eagerly waiting to announce the winner of this award, Director Ma’am announced the winner, Ms. Siddhika Pawar, Student President of SVIMS. The event was concluded by vote of thanks and wishing the seniors a bright future.

A day when memories were relived : Alumni Meet 2019
9th March 2019
Reunion celebration of our alumni started with their warm welcome in our traditional way with ‘Aarti and Tilak.’ It then moved on to the fun part where a couple of games were played, and they were subsequently invited on the dance floor to groove to the music. To add value to an already existing practical knowledge base of our alumni, we had invited Mr. J M Kaul, Ex-Managing Director at Dresser Rand to talk on ‘Ingredients for Sustained Success’: Leadership, Self-improvement, Importance of Team work and proud ownership of one’s own product/services. With high energy and a pepped-up environment after Mr. Kaul’s talk, we proceeded to distribution of awards for the titles of: ‘Budding Corporate Star’ awarded to Ms. Sreevidya Kurup and ‘Entrepreneur with Mettle and Mind’ awarded to Ms. Bhargavi Chhabra. We ended this evening with scrumptious dinner.