Academic Year 2023-24
Stay Strong Stay Fit India
Fit India Movement was launched by Hon’ PM on 29th August 2023. To commemorate the day, Stay Strong, Stay Fit India Competitions were organized. Various competitions like Suryanamaskar, Pranayam Forms, Skipping, Planks, Burpees, Squats, Mountain Climbing etc. were conducted. Students participated enthusiastically and spontaneously. Winners were –
Hemlata and Prerana Kamble (MCA) – Suryanamaskar
Komal and Yashwanti – – Kapalbhati
Vidhi – Omkar
Pranali – Squats
Hemlata – Planks
Hemlata – Mountain Climbing
Sanskruti, Tanishka and Nikita – Skipping
Academic Year 2022-23
International Yoga Day
SVIMS celebrated International Yoga Day in association with Heartfulness Institute. The event was conducted for three days. The first day began with a brief introduction to the Theme for the Yoga Day Celebration namely, “Yoga for Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam.” It was followed by demonstration for exercises which could be done by the students while sitting on the chairs. The students followed the instructor and performed these chair exercises. These exercises helped them to reduce the tension on their neck, shoulder, spine and back and at the same time helped them to enhance their concentration. These exercises were followed by meditation and pranayama. The trainers explained the importance of pranayama through the Heartfullness way which involved the focus on Heart while breathing and performing Pranayama.
On the second day students learnt the importance of eating good food for a healthy lifestyle. The students learnt that cooked food should be eaten only once a day and the meal should ideally constitute more water and raw vegetables and fruits. The students then continued with leg and hands exercises and pranayama. They also learnt the cleansing activity of Meditation.
The International Yoga day celebrations culminated on 21st June 2023, the D Day. On this day students performed Surya Namaskar followed by meditation and Yoga. The event concluded with prayer and vote of Thanks.
Easter Day Celebrations
- Easter celebrations at Sadhu Vaswani Institute of Management Studies for Girls started with great zeal and enthusiasm.
- Shivani Batheja from MBA-I hosted the event and began with a welcome speech. The speech was followed by a video exhibiting the importance of Easter – “ An Easter Message of Hope and Trial”( ) and why it is celebrated.
- Merlin Martin, student from MBA-I gave the Easter message and briefed the audience with the story of Jesus’s crucifixion and rise. This was followed by another video “HE is the One ( )
- Ms. Sonali Joshi shared her Easter experience and encouraged students to share their personal stories as well.
- Salomi Gore, student of MBA I enthralled everyone with her song devoted in praise of Lord Almighty.
- The event ended with a vote of thanks by Shivani Batheja.
Swachh Wari – Swasth Wari – Nirmal Wari – Harit Wari’ campaign
स्वातंत्र्याच्या अमृत महोत्सवानिमित्त राज्यस्तरीय स्वच्छ वारी-स्वस्थ वारी-निर्मल वारी-हरित वारी आणि कोरोना मुक्ती जनजागृती व आपत्ती व्यवस्थापन अभियान व वृक्षारोपण अभियानात दिनांक २२ व २३ जून २०२२ रोजी पुणे व पिपंरी-चिंचवड शहरात स्वच्छता अभियान.
The theme of this year’s SPPU dindi is ‘Swacch Wari, Swastha Wari, Nirmal Wari, Harit Wari’.
The focus is on spreading awareness about cleanliness, health and tree plantation. This year planned activities during wari are planting saplings besides performing street plays on social issues like gender sensitisation, elections while walking alongside warkaris. The wari helped students to learn leadership, coordination, teamwork, humanity and humility.
On 22 June 2022, The NSS Unit of SVIMS along with 17 NSS volunteers helped the Pune Police at Yerwada Bridge in crowd management, distribution of food, cleaning of places where warkaris rested and depicted role plays on social issues. Students sung Bhajans, Abhangas and danced with warkaris.
Alumni Meet
This year’s alumni meet saw a mix of 25+ alumni and 7 old faculty members of SVIMS attending the
virtual celebration. The 2 games that we played and the riveting conversations we had with Alumni
took us all through a joyous ride down the memory track. This meet like every year revealed to us how
our once naive students have now grown into matured well-rounded personalities. Each one had a
valuable suggestion to offer to the current batch of students. This interaction led to good networking
even over the virtual platform.
Since we had already planned and called for nominations for 2 awards namely, 1. Miss Entrepreneur
and 2. Uneasy and Crowned Head (the leader), our Director announced Ms Nishita and Miss Siddhika
as co-winners for the title of ‘Uneasy and Crowned Head.’ While, the 2 short listed ‘Miss Entrepreneur’
award declared winners were Ms Manisha Mali and Ms Vanshika Valbhani.
This meet turned out to be splash of colours, an afternoon of joyful chitter-chatter, a get-together of
enthusiastic folks and a lively celebration
Press Media: Serving Mankind through the Ages
The session started with Director, Dr. B. Nanwani’s address followed by a short video on World Press ( United Nations)
Our Chief guest Mr. Soubir Bhatt – Group CEO, V&E Corp. started off by stating that the word nuclear comes to mind when one speaks about press/media. And the word is nuclear can either be good or bad. It can destroy like a nuclear bomb or a good press media like a nuclear medicine can cure cancer or any generic disorders
Press is the best medium of communication if you want to make people aware of something such as Covid. The world has become a more of an easy place to live in because of media like LinkedIn, Facebook etc. Press/Media has both advantages as well as disadvantages. Freedom of press is good, it’s a blessing but if we start abusing it it’s not good. It depends on one’s ethical standards and how one uses it in the press media.
Our next speaker Mr. Akram Hoque – Founder, Editor, The Policy, spoke on the history of the press media and how it has evolved in recent times.
Our next speaker Ms. Kashvi Chandok – Journalist Representative of India,UN Women, shared her life instances which inspired her to become a journalist. She opined that self analysis helps one to become a good journalist and teaches one to accept criticism gracefully rather than getting into a baseless argument.
Sexual Assault Awareness month
To observe the Sexual Assault Awareness month, we had joined hands with Aks Foundation. Aks Foundation is a Pune based Non-governmental Organisation (NGO) working to combat gender-based violence. Firstly, we organised and conducted a Poem-writing competition the theme of which was Sexual Assault. We had a total of 21 entries and the results were announced on 20th April 2021. The 2 winners declared were Ms. Aathira Nair and Ms. Laveena Dias. While, the judges for this competition were: our Director, Dr. B Nanwani and Ms. Charu Mudholkar, Aks Foundation.
On 23rd April 2021, we had the Director of Operations at Aks Foundation as the speaker for a short programme. She started the session right from the basics where she mentioned that even calling a lady by a name which outrages her modesty is a form of sexual harassment. She clearly laid down the various forms of sexual harassment and explained the meaning and differences between: Sexual harassment at workplace, stalking, Voyeurism, disrobing a woman, outraging a woman’s modesty and insulting a woman’s modesty. With statistics from National Crime Record Bureau, 2019, National Commission for Women, 2020 and Business Standard Newspaper she revealed to us some astonishing facts of: a. one case of stalking takes place every 55 minutes, b. about 88 cases of rape take place every day, c. while the conviction rate is under 30%. She continued to explain the dynamics of sexual assault and the 4 trauma responses of: Flight, Fight, Freeze and Fawn. She ended the session by sharing the Aks helpline numbers with all of us
Reality check and trends
Career Counselling_Career talk Series_2020-2021
Mr. Ankit Gupta, a Marketing Consultant in his talk mentioned that to be successful in a Marketing job/ careera person should be creative, patient, a good communicator, a solution-provider and very good at networking with people.
He urged all the students to have an account on LinkedIn and build a network of their own. In his opinion, “it is the responsibility of a student to prepare herself for a career and find an opportunity suitable to her career objective.” To do this, LinkedIn proves to be a great platform. When we asked him, how does his work life as a consultant differ from his work life when he was into a job, he said that “Being a consultant requires more discipline and networking. It is important to reach out to people and tell them about your services.” He was of the strong opinion that a job role in Sales should be taken up enthusiastically since, a job in Sales makes one more courageous, open to new ideas and a trouble-shooter.
Mr. Siddharth Sabari started with opportunities that technology offers in the field of marketing and one area that he hugely focused on was of Digital Marketing. He categorised the career options of Digital Marketing into:
a. Tracking information and usage of analytics to take marketing decisions
b. Other creative functions of writing content, creating graphics/creatives
c. Those that involve researching and usage of technology: Search Engine Optimisation, Website Development, Keywords search
d. Those that involve interacting and transacting on social media platforms: Social Media Marketing
He surely mentioned about Marketing Analytics as an option too. But, when asked about specific certificate courses that the students could do in Marketing Analytics along with MBA, he said that, currently they can learn it through Youtube videos as well. Once they enter the Corporate world, they can pick up the skills along their way on the job.
Next, he moved on to processes. He pointed out that, planning and execution of strategies involves many steps right from market research to analysing the feedback of customers. All these functions cannot be performed by a Marketing manager alone. Thus, each step in this entire process offers an opportunity. Carrying out market research, offering customer service, designing of a product/service, planning the distribution and promotion and finally implementing the strategies planned has all these opportunities ingrained.
When it came to the aspect of People, he emphasised that interaction with customers is central to marketing. Thus, roles of Marketing Communication, Customer Service Executive, Focused Customer Group interviews and a few other aspects of marketing research come under the ‘People’ aspect.
Training session- Women’s day Program
Guest session on Anti ragging
Adv. Asif Shaikh first read the rules laid down against ragging and explained them to us in simple language. Like one of the rules he made the students aware of was setting up of an Anti-ragging committee in every educational institution and the constitution of that committee. He then went on to explain which forms of behavior amount to ragging. One example he gave was: a senior forcing a junior to write down notes for him/her is also a form of academics-related ragging. He also narrated a case where Girls institution in Rajasthan hid a case of ragging to protect their name and reputation. In this case, a girl student was bullied by 2 senior students to an extent that she lost her life.
We then moved on to the Question and Answer session. Under this segment of his talk he answered numerous questions, like that of:
- Is calling names a part of ragging?
- How does one over-come the mental trauma caused by anti-ragging?
- How do we educate school going kids about anti-ragging?
B2B and B2C Sales from Industry Perspective
In the 1st half of this session, Mr. Aditya Sengupta gave a basic scenario of how B2B and B2C sales operate in the industry. For example, he mentioned that to complete one B2B transaction, it might take 2 months even because in a B2B sales scenario, there are many participants involved. With his experience of working with Birla as one of his clients, he also explained how to build trust in your client. While the 2nd half of the session was entirely interactive where he answered the questions asked by the students and participants. In his endeavour of answering questions, he spoke about:
- 3 key points to be researched about, before meeting a B2B customer. Those being: the organization itself, the person who you are going to meet and the industry at large
- Customers do not fall for discounts, but value trustworthy relationships built over time
- You cannot be nervous for a Sales meeting, if you have prepared well. Always try to 1st meet the person at a lower level, do not always aim to meet the top-ranking person of the organization.
स्वातंत्र्याच्या अमृत महोत्सवानिमित्त राज्यस्तरीय स्वच्छ वारी-स्वस्थ वारी-निर्मल वारी-हरित वारी आणि कोरोना मुक्ती जनजागृती व आपत्ती व्यवस्थापन अभियान व वृक्षारोपण अभियानात दिनांक २२ व २३ जून २०२२ रोजी पुणे व पिपंरी-चिंचवड शहरात स्वच्छता अभियान.
The theme of this year’s SPPU dindi is ‘Swacch Wari, Swastha Wari, Nirmal Wari, Harit Wari’.
The focus is on spreading awareness about cleanliness, health and tree plantation. This year planned activities during wari are planting saplings besides performing street plays on social issues like gender sensitisation, elections while walking alongside warkaris. The wari helped students to learn leadership, coordination, teamwork, humanity and humility.
On 22 June 2022, The NSS Unit of SVIMS along with 17 NSS volunteers helped the Pune Police at Yerwada Bridge in crowd management, distribution of food, cleaning of places where warkaris rested and depicted role plays on social issues. Students sung Bhajans, Abhangas and danced with warkaris.
What nutrition and diet we should follow to be healthy under the Poshan Pakhwada
Dr.Swapan Banerjee, Dietician began his talk by emphasising on importance of maintaining a healthy diet for people of all age groups. A healthy lifestyle is the cultivation of a healthy mind set with a balanced diet and exercises. He explained how cancer, diabetes, cardiovascular and many more diseases are caused due to unhealthy lifestyle and how viruses such as Dengue Virus and Corona Virus with comorbidities can lead to early death.
He cautioned against Stress and Obesity. Stress is a silent killer- 46% people suffer from stress and face various mental disorders and poor immunity.
1. Reasons of Obesity- fast foods, adds sugar rich foods, alcohol, smoking, tobacco products, trans fat and unnecessary saturated fat foods, excess starch foods.
2. Consider for obesity- low carbohydrate-based foods, low fat foods, consuming enough fibre rich food
3. Exercise- practice yoga every morning and do meditation. All adults should exercise at least 150 min/week.
Dr Swapan also advised against studying in the night as it may increase stress and other mental illness including lifestyle disorders. He suggested some immunity boosting foods which would help us to increase immunity. He ended his talk with Swami Vivekananda quote “Build up your health, do not dwell in silence upon your sorrows”.
National Level Essay Competition – Guru Tegh Bhadur- the Ninth Sikh Guru
Sadhu Vaswani Institute of Management Studies for Girls celebrated the 400th Prakash Parv of Shri Guru Tegh Bahadurji on 15th March 2021.
2021 marked the 400th year of Shri Guru Tegh Bahadur’s Prakash Purab. He was the 9th of the 10 Gurus that founded the Sikh religion. He was also considered to be the leader of Sikhs from 1665 until his demise in 1675. The celebrations bore special significance in terms of Sangam city wherein the gurudwara ‘Pakki Sangat’ is located.
In its own small way of contribution to the event, SVIMS celebrated the day online by conducting an online essay writing competition.
Giani Ranjit Singhji was invited as a Guest Speaker for the event. Renowned Sikh preacher Giani Ranjit Singh (Gauhar-e-Maskeen) is the Jathedar of Takht Sri Patna Sahib. A noted ‘kathavachak’ (preacher) Giani Ranjit Singh commands honors for his in-depth knowledge of Gurmat and Gurbani.
Gianiji addressed the students and shared stories of Guru Tegh Bahadurji’s childhood and his journey to becoming a young religious leader. He inspired the attendees with his sharings and experience.
The Guest speaker’s session was followed by the inauguration of the National Essay Writing Competition by Director SVIMS, Dr. BH Nanwani. Director Ma’am shared about the life and teachings of the 9th guru and what Sikhism preaches and stands for. The ultimate theme of all guru teachings being that God is one and he who finds a master finds the path of life.
The participants were given the topics for the essay and the rules were explained to them. Giani Ranjit Singhji was the judge for the event.
Students participated with zeal and presented well written essays.
Azadi ka Amrut Mahotsav
To commemorate the occasion of the 75th year of India’s Independence, we invited two eminent speakers: Mr. Ajay Karmayogi (Convenor, National Independent Gurukul Campaign) and Mr Rohtash Malethia
Mr. Karmayogi expressed that a strong and a prosperous India can be built if we focus on issues such as save the girl child, saving water, medical facilities and education.
Mr. Rohtash Malethia (Journalist, R Bharat) gave an overview of the history of independence and the post-independence journey. He spoke of leaders and their contributions in resolving pre-and post-independence issues. in the He commented on policy amendments and lamented the failure of education post-independence.
Vishakha : Gender and Mental Health
The programme started with a prayer followed by a small speech by our Director, Dr. B. Nanwani. The Speaker, Ms. Divya Hegde, CEO and Founder of the Integrated Penguin ( full-service digital marketing agency having its offices in New Zealand and India) stated that dreams have no Gender and the first step to women empowerment is that women should acknowledge their ambitions.
Covid -19 brought to fore the importance of women to society and the world economies. Covid has however been a major blow to women as most women employees are frontline workers health sector workers, doctors, engineers etc all of whom according to UN reports research shows are paid 11% less than the males.
She advised that women must decide on trade-offs – pursue what you hold important and junk what is not important, without regret. Learn to be selfish and do the things you like.
This was followed by a pane discussion…Our panel members included Raksha Agarwal, Aishwarya Rathi and Manisha Bhati
Raksha Agarwal, the Director and Founder of Zariya mental health and Counselor spoke about the necessity of creating awareness about Mental Health especially among women as during pandemic they have had to bear pressures at home and employment. Women faced disparity if work roles and responsibilities during COVID and were also victims of domestic violence.
She highlighted some facts and figures: research shows that 70% of mental health workers are women and most of the nurses who helped in covid have developed mental health symptoms like depression, anxiety,etc.
Our next panel member was Aishwarya Rathi, the CEO and Founder of Astra Brand. She strongly opined that women can do everything that men can do.its all in the mind. She advised that we must help out other women by talking/reaching out to someone when in need, asking for help if required and joining support groups.
The third panelist Manisha Bhati, the CEO and Co – Founder at G hunt India spoke about her journey in her career and how she successfully faced challenges and obstacles.
Later a short video was played on women empowerment.
Pist lunch we, we had a dialogue under Nari Sakti with Sister Lucy Kurien who has different shelter homes in various parts of India.
She spoke about various challenges faced by her, chief among them being not conversant with the local language. Nevertheless women are blessed with special skills and powers which can help them to overcome difficulties.
Vishakha : Gender Parity during COVID- 19
The session started with a prayer followed by a small speech by our Director B. Nanwani. The Speaker Ms. Divya Hegde is the CEO and founder of the integrated Penguin this full-service digital marketing agency has it office in New Zealand and India. She always believed that dream has no Gender and the first step to women empowerment is to women to acknowledge her ambition.
Covid -19 has illustrated that women are so important to society and the world economy. The backward move is not just to blow to women and societal progress and the quality that it was terrible for the economy as well females during covid-19 specially the frontline workers,health sector workers, doctors, engineer etc yet they are paid 11% less than the males according to the UN reports.
According to her, we have to have trade-offs on what is important to us and what not important to us and we need to get selfish. Do the things which you like as there are many guidelines set up by societies
Our panel members included Raksha Agarwal, Aishwarya Rathi and Manisha Bhati
Raksha Agarwal, the Director and Founder of Zariya mental health and Counselor spoke about her aim through Zariya which was to spread Mental Health Awareness.
During the pandemic, all the responsibilities came on the women who had to work from home as well as look after the house which increased the pressure on the women’s mental health. She also said that there is a disparity in the jobs done by men and women with which we should also not forget that women faced extreme levels of domestic violence during n covid 19.
Talking about mental health she said that the research shows that 70% of mental health workers includes women. It shows that most of the nurses who helped in covid have developed mental health symptoms like depression, anxiety,etc.
Our next panel member was Aishwarya Rathi, the Ceo and Founder of Astra Brand.
She believes it’s all in the mind, women can do anything that men can do. According to her equality is all about brain She gave us some tips like talking/reaching out to someone when in need, ask for help if required and Join support groups
The third panelist Manisha Bhati, the CEO and Co – Founder at G hunt India. She spoke about her journey in her career and how she faced challenges and obstacles to receive the height she is in now.
Later a short video was played on women empowerment.
After the lunch break, we had a dialogue under Nari Sakti with Sister Lucy Kurien who has different shelter homes in various parts of India.
She spoke about the various challenges faced by her. The biggest challenge she faced was that she didn’t know the local language.
Lastly their was a competition wherein the participants portrayed women empowerment.
Personal Branding and Image Management
Ms. Karuna Bajaj, a practicing Image Consultant, soft skills trainer, a fashion stylist and an entrepreneur was invited to speak on “Personal Branding and Image Management”
She explained the four ‘A’s of Professional Standards i.e. Appropriateness, Authenticity, Attractiveness and Affordability. Further she spoke on formal Attire, communication and gave grooming tips before appearing for an interview.
While speaking about Body Language and Social Etiquettes, she gave the following tips:
1. Always Smile
2. Make eye Contact
3. Do not fold arms
4. Do not sit with one leg over the other
5. Remember a person’s name
6. Be polite
7. Be punctual
Investment Awareness Program on Capital Market
Mr. Amogh Gothoskar Trainer NSE and BSE was invited to conduct session on ‘Investment Awareness Program on Capital Market’. With apt examples, he explained financial terms of Capital gain, Asset allocation, equity shares, debentures, mutual funds and fixed deposits. Further, he said, while investing one should take into consideration factors such as, Goal of investment, Individual priorities, Liquidity, Tax benefits, and Transaction costs. He also added that before investing in any scheme one should verify all credentials of the organization or the person one is dealing with.
He advised taking the following precautions while dealing with the stock market:
1. Deal with only registered brokers/sub brokers
2. Receive contract notes from your broker
3. Do not be misled by market rumors, hot tips etc.
4. Do not be attracted to stocks, based on what internet websites promote (Do your study)
5. Be especially cautious when there are sudden spurts in stock prices .
Spreading Love during Thanksgiving
To spread love, joy and thank Revered Dada and the Almighty, we made a humble contribution as an institution to Uday Foundation. This Foundation conducted a Food Donation Drive on behalf of us and fed 100+ needy relatives of poor patients admitted at AIIMS. These people often spend their time on roads without food and shelter.
We spread gratitude and gratitude in turn brought smiles on our faces. Thank You so much Dada to make us capable of helping those in need.
Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj’s birthday celebration
To celebrate one of our great heroes Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj, we had organized a competition that consisted of 2 categories: Story narration and Powada. The story to be narrated was to be based on Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj’s life and Powada is a genre of Marathi Poetry that narrates historical events in an inspiring manner. It emerged during the late 17th century and the composers-cum-singers narrate historical events in a very exciting and glorified manner.
The participants were asked to submit a video of a story narrated by them or a Powada sung by them. A total of 15 students participated. Under the category of Story narration, Ms Ami Adodariya stood1st while Ms Anuja Jagdale grabbed the 2nd place and under the category of Powada; Ms. Parishweta stood 1st while Ms Damini Pande stood 2nd. We all paid our respects to Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj by watching and carefully listening to these videos that so well spoke about his glorious life.
Stree Shakti – Being strong when it matters the most
Cancer is a vicious, silent killer. It requires strength and resilience to fight off or even face this disease. There is a need to build awareness about cancer and the Institution deemed it fit to observe Cancer Awareness Month by organizing a talk on same titled on “Stree Shakti – Being strong when it matters the most”
256 participants attended the session.
The speaker Ms.Nilima Bhat, Founder & Director of Shakti Leadership spoke about how her journey in this field started when her husband was diagnosed with cancer and her family faced many struggles to overcome this difficult situation.
She then explained that our body is like a canvas. We should be very conscious about what we are thinking and believing because different parts of our body react to different emotions. For example, an affliction of lungs is related to sorrow.
The speaker then beautifully explained about the concepts of love and relationship that women play and how it directly affects her own health as also of others. Women must use the shakti of these powerful positive relationships to heal and reduce the negative impact of cancer.
Know more about Ovarian and Uterine Cancer
The speaker Shital Punjabi (Senior Gynecologist and IVF Specialist) expressed her thanks for taking this initiative to organize a session on Ovarian and Uterine Cancer as most people ignore this.
She started the session by giving the Introduction, overview of Cancer, the dos and don’ts, and some clinical aspects of cancer. We should immediately seek medical help when our body shows some signs as some %of damage has already been done.
The 3 most important cancers in females are Breast Cancer, Ovarian Cancer and Uterine Cancer. We should have the appropriate knowledge of these as prevention is better than cure.
The occurrence of cervical cancer is due to polygamy, genetic predisposition, poor hygiene and vaginal tampons and recurrent infection. Symptoms are vaginal discharge, heavy bleeding pain or swelling in abdomen.
She also showed a diagram on Breast Self-Examination which was followed by a short Q & A.
The session was concluded with a Vote of Thanks.
Currents research developments in cancer Treatment
Mr. Harsh Agarwal Co – Founder/ Head of Research at Cancer EX was invited to deliver a session on Current Research Developments in Cancer Treatment. He isalso a recipient of Bal Shakti Puraskar
Cancer EX is a bio technological startup which aims at early cancer detection and low-cost treatments. He spoke about how they are researching to battle against cancer and how such research has led to products such as an in-expensive & point of care strip-based test that can detect pancreatic cancer in its early stages using saliva.
Explaining about cancer, Mr. Agarwal mentioned some risk factors like smoking, consumption of red meat, drinking alcohol, genetic disorders, diabetes etc that lead to cancer and that even people who work out regularly and maintain a proper diet can be victims of cancer.
Cancer cells are different/unique from the healthier cells but have a similar genetic makeup and that is one of the reasons which makes it difficult to kill cancer cells selectively. Chemotherapy is one of the most common treatments for cancer but the most painful. The second being radiation therapy and the last is Surgery which is mostly useful in the early stages of cancer treatments.
There has been promising research on plasma screening also known as liquid biopsy which scans the cancer cells in the plasma itself and offers hope of a radically new treatment.
Session on POSH
Adv. Ruby Chhatwal, member of our Prevention of Sexual Harassment Committee and our speaker for this session explained to our students the formation, composition and functions of an Internal Committee for prevention of Sexual harassment at workplace. In a very simple language, she explained the provisions of law and then went on to give real-life examples of sexual harassment at workplace. There is a subtle difference between being funny and harassing a lady sexually through words spoken and this difference was clarified by our speaker by speaking out statements which mean fun and those that form a part of harassment. Our students asked her questions regarding how can they seek redressal if they face sexual harassment at workplace or even when travelling through public transport, whether fake cases around sexual harassment are reported, how are they identified, what is the grievance and redressal mechanism like, for men and Adv. Chhatwal answered all these questions patiently.
72nd Republic day
Sadhu Vaswani Institute of Management Studies for Girls celebrated Republic Day on 25th Jan 2021. The event was conducted online.
The Republic Day marks and celebrates the date on which the Constitution of India came into effect on 26, January 1950, replacing the Government of India Act (1935) as the governing document of India and thus, turning the nation into a newly formed republic
At SVIMS, this day is celebrated every year with reverence and feelings of patriotism.
The program commenced with the attendees reciting National Anthem.
Director’s Address – The Director, in her address, welcomed the Guest speaker and all the attendees. She shared her insights about the meaning of being republic and independent and how it is important, especially for today’s generation, to maintain the sanctity of the terms and prove to be good and proud citizens of their country.
Importance of Republic Day – Ms. Ekta Kukdiya, student of MBA-II presented her views on the 72nd Republic Day.
Remembering our Hero – Paying our obeisance to national hero Lt. Kiran Shekhawat, Ms. Apoorva Ohol narrated a short story on the revered hero which inspired all the attendees.
Guest Speaker’s session – The guest speaker for the program, Mr. Anurit Kanti, Deputy Manager- Sustainability@ReNew Power, enlightened the participants by sharing his views on the importance of Republic Day. He shared that it was the day when we were granted fundamental rights to life and liberty. He also spoke about how Dr. B.R. Ambedkar ensured that our Constitution was a comprehensive one. This was achieved after researching and studying the Constitutions of many countries. The Constitution, as such, defines our fundamental rights and fundamental duties which must be performed by the citizens of India to best of their capabilities. The attendees were motivated by Mr. Kanti’s words. The students also interacted with the guest speaker by asking him a few questions and also presenting their thoughts. The discussions made the event solemn with patriotic vibes.
Cultural performance – Ms. Casandra Arockiam, student of-II won the hearts of attendees by her rendition of a Desh Bhakti Geet.
Ms. Mrunmayee Throat(MBAII) gave a beautiful dance performance which was followed by a soulful song by Ms. Meenakshi Vaidya.
The program concluded with a vote of thanks Ms. Smita Iyer.
Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose Birth Anninersary
129th Birthday of Savtribai Phule
Sadhu Vaswani Institute of Management Studies is committed to and celebrates women empowerment. A special session was arranged to pay our tributes to an icon of strength and courage – Savitribai Phule( 129th Birth Anniversary).
Ms. Bindiya Rangwani gave a brief introduction of Savitribai Phule and spoke about her contribution to the education of women in society. Savitribai set up a school for girls and women and is rightly honoured as the 1st woman teacher of India. With her husband’s support, she herself learned to read and write and further started teaching other women.
She also tried to prevent female infanticide – the death of small girls and helped widows to live a life of dignity and respect. She helped women who were rape victims and gave them strength to deliver and raise their children safely.
Ms. Pooja Zawar, Mba Part II student narrated an incident from the life of Savitribai Phule. A poem was also recited in praise if Savitribai Phule. The programme ended with a video clip showcasing Savitribai’s life journey and achievements.
Agribusiness opporunities in North America
Agribusiness and food processing are important parts of modernizing our economy, of modernizing our agriculture and moving into a phase where a more modernized agriculture helps not only farmers but also helps consumers.
Mr. Rajasekhar Chokka, an entrepreneur, talked about export and import of agricultural products, Christmas tree exports, opportunities and scope of agribusiness in India and different countries
Asian Paints- Journeying into the unexplored
The Guest Speaker, Mr. Sarvashreshtha Chaudhary, AID Services Vertical, Asian Paints, talked about his work experience and how doing MBA has helped him in shaping his career. He further talked about the strategies of the company and also gave Insights on how Asian Paints is driven by Consumers. This is the secret of its innovations and success.
He talked about how the company had introduced paints for bathroom, kitchen, wardrobe etc. in line with changing consumer demands and preferences. He also spoke of how marketing techniques, distribution, data and determination (how they provide their products to their suppliers) are aligned to suit customer preferences. It is these innovations and integration that has helped the growth of Asian Paints.
The Vote of thanks was given by Dr. Smita Iyer, after which the session was concluded.
Human Rights Story between and beyond
Nurture DIS Ability
‘Nuture Disability’ session started off with a welcome note by Ms. Harshali Chandgadkar . Mr. Mahantesh G.K, Founder Managing Trustee of Samarthanam Trust for the Disabled talked about the need for developing an Inclusive Mindset. The attribute of Inclusiveness should begin with family first and should be broadened to accept specially abled people. A touching video was shown of people with different disabilities.
The next resource person, Mr. Kanubhai Hasmukhbai Tailor, Founder, Disabled Welfare Trust of India, enlightened us about policies for specially abled people in India and abroad.
An International – E Quiz on ‘Power of Love or Love for Power’- UN PeaceKeeping mission
You, me and the Constitution of India
The Constitution if India is a rich document which promises justice, freedom and equality to every citizen. Adv. Harshal Bhosale, working with Pune District Legal Aid Authority focussed on Article 29 and 17 in this context. Article 29 of the Constitution prohibits discrimination on the basis of religion, race, caste and thus ensures justice and equality to every citizen in India. He also spoke about Article 17 which prohibits untouchability and within it covered every citizen’s right and freedom to practice one’s religion without fear.
Gender Inclusive Language E- Quiz
A quiz was floated by the institute on Gender Inclusive language which was attempted by 1310 participants.
A disemination on Land Acquisition
Sadhu Vaswani Institute of Managemet Studies for Girls had organized a guest session on land acquisition on 3rd Nov 2020
The guest speaker Adv. Kartik kutty is an advocate at high court parnter, five elements assoicate. Adv. Kartik spoke about how is land acquisition in India. He talked about the process and purpose of land acquistion. He also spoke about the land acquisition law and act in brief. Adv. Kartik kutty also told about land acquistion portal.
The guest session was conculded by Vote of thanks given by Dr. Smita Iyer
An insight to prevention of sexual harassment E- Quiz
Women Empowerment through Education
We organized a session on Women Empowerment through Education to commemorate Gandhi Jayanti on 1st Oct. 2020. Mr. Kanav Chavan, Founder, YUG Foundation talked about his experience in the field of women empowerment and explained about how education can bring about true empowerment. He also spoke about the work being done by the Foundation in the sphere of women empowerment.
Independence Day
On 75th Independence Day – 15th Aug 2021 we invited a special guest, Mr. D V Hivrale, WCD to speak on true Freedom and Independence. The speaker highlighted the need and importance of the youth in contributing towards the welfare of our society to make India truly free and independent. He narrated a story to emphasise that we can contribute to society’s welfare even if we cannot fight as soldiers. He also told the participants a short story of Gandhiji and his contribution to India’s freedom. He stressed on the need to engineer special programs to help women and children. The emphasis should be on making them independent and self reliant through skill building and empowerment rather than in giving charity and making them dependent.
After the talk, Ms. Rucha Lathi a student from MBA, part 1 gave a small speech on building the spirit of nationalism. Ms. Anuja Jagdale and Ms. Jyotika Makhija sang patriotic songs.
Gokulashtami Celebration
Sadhu Vaswani Institute of Management Studies for Girls celebrated Gokulashtami on 12th Aug 2020. Also known as Krishna Janmashtami, this day is celebrated to commemorate the birth of Lord Krishna. According to the legends, the eighth son of Devki, Lord Krishna was born on the 8th day of the dark fortnight of the month of Bhadrapada(August-September).
The program conducted online on MS Teams at SVIMS was as follows:
Dada’s Video- The program started with Dada J.P. Vaswani’s video on Gokulashtami, wherein Dada has spoken about Krishna Leela and importance of Janmashtami.
Komal’s Story on Krishna– After the video, Ms. Komal Panjwani, MBA II student, narrated a story on Gokulastami. She spoke about Lord Krishna’s birth, his upbringing, and his friends. Then, she narrated an incident which depicted Lord Krishna’s role and teachings as a leader and a guide in the holy book Mahabharata.
Quizzes and Games – A quiz was played wherein a poll was created and the students had to select the correct answer for the questions asked. A role play game too was played where the participants were given a situation and they had to answer the questions related to the holy book of Mahabharata and Bhagwat Gita. The motto behind playing this game was to bring in a few management ethics in the participants.
Cultural Performances- Ms Pooja Sharma, student of MBA IInd year gave a beautiful dance performance. Ms Komal Panjwani enthralled the audience with her bhajan – “Achyutam Keshvam”.
Director’s Message – The Director, in her address, too shared insights into the leadership skills of Lord Krishna. She motivated the students to follow the teachings of our holy scriptures and learn the mantras of life from them.
The program concluded with a vote of thanks by Ms. Sayali Choudhari.
Interview Skills
Ms. Rutuja Parkhi, student of MBA – II, who has received the PPO from Sage Automation Pvt Ltd was invited to deliver a talk on ‘Interview Skills’. Her primary task at the company is Talent Acquisition. Keeping this in mind, she dwelled on the following:
- Avenues open to the students in the filed of HR – HR Analytics, Recruiting, Talent Acquisition, etc.
- Common questions asked during interviews and the points to be kept in mind while answering such questions.
- She explained that during interviews many persons get carried away and boast of skills that they do not possess – as a result of which they fail. She emphasized that the CV/Resume is key to securing the coveted interview call.
- She encouraged the audience to participate in events, seminars, etc. Organized by the Insititute – because this will help one to overcome their fears and be confident while facing the corporate world.
- Students presented a skit wherein a young woman after being selected for a job faces sexual harassment at her workplace. The Boss ogles at her with lustful eyes and touches her inappropriately.
- He calls her in his cabin and asks her objectionable questions. When she resists, he reminds her about her poor economic condition and necessity of keeping the job.
- The victim discusses the issue with her mother, who advises her to suffer in silence given their adverse circumstances.
- After a month, the victim was promoted, and rumours started spreading about the affair between the boss and the victim. The victim however was terribly sad and gets into a depression. She contemplates committing a suicide. Her close friend and colleague confront her. The victim then talks about the sexual harassment she has been facing. The friend counsels her and convinces her to file a complaint. The victim does so, and the boss is imprisoned.
- The enactment was much appreciated and ended with an explanation of forms of sexual harassment in offices, in buses, at bus stops, schools, and institutions etc and reasons why such incidents are not reported; laws that prohibit sexual harassment at workplace; ICC etc.
Career Opportunities in Marketing
Mr. Yogesh Tithe. Founder & CEO, Entie, spoke about his own MBA journey, which made the discussion incredibly illuminating and inspiring. His talk and insights offered a new direction, and a sense of ambition in the students. He detailed out multiple avenues available in the marketing industry, how he started his start up journey, the importance of forming networks and choosing the right specialisation while pursuing an MBA programme. He used a short video showcasing the teachings of Buddha which emphasises on staying focused on one’s goal and reaching the final destination. Mr. Tithe advised that one should stay put in a job and be confident about skills acquired. Staying focused and consistent is guaranteed to give one success He ended his talk with a video about advertisements and an offer of internship and placements.
Guest Session-Career Opportunities in Finance
CA Prem Bhateja, Analyst, UBS explained about the Career Opportunities in the field of finance. He gave us an insight of various streams that a financial student can opt for in the banking field. Besides this, he also dwelled upon the options and skills set needed for –Analyst, Core Finance amongst others.
He informed the students that if one wants to excel in finance domain the basic fundamental knowledge of accountancy is essential, as in the first interview questions related to it are asked.
This was followed by QA round wherein students asked about:
What it takes to be a financial analyst? – He replied that one must have domain knowledge, be abreast of latest developments in the filed of finance by reading newspapers like The Economic Times, The Financial Express, etc.
Is it true that Big4 offers roles to only CAs? – He replied that a person with excellent financial knowledge would be having the edge – be it a CA, CMA or MBA – Finance.
Gender Equity Program
- A skit was performed by the students to bring about the theme of The Right Conduct towards menstruation.
- The skit was about a young girl who gets her periods for the first time, about her mother and the grandmother. The skit beautifully depicted the innocence of the young girl child, the situation of the mother caught between her ‘grown’ up daughter and the diktats of the grandmother who has her set of beliefs regarding periods. The young girl, more than the physical pain, is going through the emotional and mental pain of being ‘ostracized’ by the family for those five days for no fault of hers; so much so that her mother too cannot help but follow the rules of the house.
- The skit brought about many an emotion in the audience wherein the girls shared their experiences. Even today, those who hail from villages, face this treatment. They opined that it is embarrassing as everyone in the neighborhood get to know ‘woh baahar hai’. There is a dire need for menstruation to be treated as a normal phenomenon and also understand that even though women need rest during their periods, they are not invalidated or incapacitated to work.
- Another student also addressed the concern of girls as young as the age of 8 or 9 getting their periods due to changing lifestyles. As such, there is now more need for early education for the girls as well as the boys regarding menstruation. There must be empathy and support rather than being treated as a victim or someone impure.
- The skit was appreciated by all.
SVIMS students got a first-of-its-kind experience of the German culture and lifestyle, on 18th January 2023. The first year MBA students organized German fest, an event to showcase different aspects of German culture. With a perfect synergy and coordination between teams of First year MBA students, the event proved to be an unforgettable experience.
The German Fest was inaugurated by honorable Chief Guest Mrs. Vaishali Dabke, BKD Project Manager and Faculty at Goethe institute, Pune, Mrs Aditi Aitraaz, German Teacher, Sadhu Vaswani International School, and DR. B. H. Nanwani, Director, SVIMS. After inauguration First year students Nitu and Kadambari gave a brief introduction about our Chief guest. The guests were welcomed by Dr. Nanwani and Dr. Lakhani by giving them plants.
Special Sanctuary
- A skit was performed by the MBA students to bring about the theme of The Right Conduct towards disability / disabled persons.
- The skit was about a woman on a wheelchair at a niche restaurant and the treatment meted out to her by the Hotel Staff ( . At the end of the skit comes the message that it wasn’t the disability of the woman on the wheelchair but the disability of the people working in that restaurant who could not see her first as a human and then as an individual.
- This is mostly the case in our daily lives when we stare at differently abled people or feel sympathy for them. We need to understand that it is not sympathy but empathy that is much required. Equal opportunities, equal respect, right conduct and an evolving mindset is the need of the hour. Diversity and inclusion should not only be spoken about, but it must also be practiced at individual levels.
- The skit was appreciated by all.
National Startup Day
- Mr. Shashikant Kumbhar, Sr. Project Officer, MCED, began the session with gauging the entrepreneurial know-how of the students who were attending the session.
- He was impressed to know that some of them were from a background of family business, some were influencers and some had also worked as freelancers. However, when it came to the question of becoming a dedicated entrepreneur, there were not many enthusiasts.
- He then spoke about the need for developing an entrepreneurial mindset. Women entrepreneurs today are not just a by product but are the demand of global business market.
- Mr. Kumbhar touched upon the need to be driven, to be self-motivated to learn something new and while on that journey, increase the risk appetite.
- He urged the students to explore their own talents as each one of them then shall find an entrepreneurial opportunity in the self-exploration.
Makar Sankranti Celebration
Executive summary:
Makar Sankranti/Lohri/Pongal celebrated on 14th January 2023 at 10.45 am in Classroom 34. All faculties, students of MCA & MBA attended the celebration.
The celebration started with lighting the lamp at the auspicious hands of Dr. B.H. Nanwani, Director.
On this occasion Reeshita Das sang a Hindi song-Nile nile ambar pe chand jab aaye.
Ms. Sakshi Gandhi in her speech said that Makar Sankranti is celebrated to mark the beginning of the harvest season of Rabi crops.
Ms. Hetal Yadav gave speech on the Pongal celebration. She said that it was celebrated to thank the Sun, Mother Nature and the various farm animals that help to contribute to a beautiful harvest.
Ms. Muskan Sadhwani and group performed a Bhangra dance.
The event ended with faculty and students exchanging Til-gul to mark the occasion.
Swarajya Janani Jaja Mata Birth Anniversary Celebration
Executive summary:
This event celebrated in Classroom 35, 3rd floor of SVIMS, Total 53 students participated. Students of MBA & MCA organized and executed the event nicely. The report of the event is as below:
Powada was played that described the struggle of Swarajya Janani Jija Mata against Mughal Emperor “Aurangzeb” for the justice and safety of the common men & women.
One video on the life of Jija Mata played which was in Marathi. It narrated that she was born on 12 January in 1598, at Sindhkhed Raja in Buldhana district. She created awareness in the mind of Shivaji Maharaj regarding the protection of the downtrodden and weaker people.
Dr. Kalpana Salunkhe in her speech said that Rajmata Jijau supported Shivaji Maharaj to build the “Swarajya”.
A program was concluded by offering a tribute the Swarajya Janani Jija Mata.
13TH AUGUST 2022
- The festival of Rakhi denotes the bond of safety and security that mostly siblings promise each other, no matter the circumstances. Damini Squad has been doing that for days at end. As a mark of respect and gratitude, students of SVIMS tied Rakhi to the Squad members with the belief that as they protect the women in the city, may strength come to them and may they be protected from all adversities.
- API Sujata Shamne, along with the other members of the Damini Squad and Camp Police Station welcomed the students and faculty. They were happy and touched that the students thought about them and shifting from the traditions of tying Rakhi to the men of their families, they came forth and tied Rakhi to the women officers of the Police force.
- The SVIMS family presented the Bharosa Cell with National Flags as a token of observing Har Ghar Tiranga week.
The event was well captured with photos.
Anti-Ragging awareness
8th December 2022
To create Anti-Ragging awareness among the students the Anti-Ragging Skit competition was conducted on dated 08-12-2022 at 12.30 pm in the smart classroom. MBA-I and MCA-I-year students participated in the competition. Total 7 groups participated in this competition and the winning team members’ names are as follows:
1.Ms. Sakshi Gandhi
2. Ms. Priya Vishwakarma
3.Ms. Priya Popale
4.Ms. Samiksha Vathare
5. Ms. Vrushali Patil
Ms. Vaishali Patil and Ms., Harhsali Bhaleerao was the judge for the competition. Anti-ragging Competition Link :
Matrabhasha Diwas
UNESCO has declared 21st February every year as International Mother Language Day to promote the dissemination of mother tongues and a fuller awareness of linguistic and cultural traditions throughout the world and to inspire solidarity based on understanding, tolerance and dialogue.
The program commenced with the welcome address by Dr. Divya Lakhani, HOD-MBA. She emphasized that Matrabhasha is very important for the upbringing of the children in the family. It is the first language to which each child is exposed to. Hence, the NEP 2020 also has advocated that the medium of instruction, until at least grade 5, will be the home language/mother tongue/regional language for both public and private schools.
This was followed by wonderful performances. Ms. Devanshi Dembda, student of MBA I, recited a poem in Sindhi Language. Ms. Shubhada Katti narrated a story in Kannada to bring out the essence of cultural diversity in India.
Lastly, Dr. Abhijeet Kaiwade, HOD-MCA, emphasized that even though India has around 125 major languages and approximately 1600 other languages, we are united due to the values inculcated by our parents and ancestors.
17th December 2022
Navdhaara – is a combination of two Sanskrit words – nav meaning new and dhaara meaning flow or stream. SVIMS has always encouraged and endeavored to develop an entrepreneurial mindset amongst its students and employees, for developing real-world skills that will help students to explore their creativity and make an exceptional career path for themselves in a rapidly changing world.
With this thought, under the guidance of our Director, the admin faculty and students planned an Entrepreneurship Fest and invited zealous entrepreneurs, big or small, to display / present their fares at the Fest stalls. The synergy in the institute on 17th December is a memory worth a lifetime.
- The preparation for the event began a month in advance. The students were divided into different teams:
- Core Coordinators
- Finance Team
- Marketing Team
- Creatives Team
- These teams were supervised by the faculty members under the guidance of the Director. Each student reached out to their societies, previous colleges, friends to invite people for the Fest. On 17th December, SVIMS was vibrant in a plethora of colours.
- We were privileged to have the following dignitaries as our Guests for inaugural ceremony:
- Dr. G H Gidwani, Director, Mira Education Society
- Mr. Arvind Budhani, Director, Guru Krupa Budhani Bros Waferwaala
- Mr. Sahil Bhosale, Agricultural Entrepreneur and President, Satyamev Jayate(NGO)
- The event began with the inauguration of the Fest at the hands of our esteemed guests. Dr. Gidwani, at the time of cutting the ribbon, gave a valuable lesson. She said that rather than cutting the ribbon lets make the ends join and complete the circle of gratitude, success and humility.
- This was followed by lamp lighting and paying respects to our revered founders Sadhu TL Vaswani and Dada JP Vaswani.
- Dr. B H Nanwani, Director SVIMS, in her Director’s address elaborated on the meaning of Navdhaara. She emphasized on the importance of developing entrepreneurial mindset and shared about the endeavours of SVIMS in this direction. She congratulated the SVIMS team of faculty, admin and the students for the first Entrepreneurship Fest at SVIMS. Ma’am’s words motivated everyone. She is our beacon and is deeply respected by all. She herself is an intrapreneur where SVIMS and St. Mira’s college is concerned.
- We had entrepreneurs from every walk of life:
- A software engineer with a juice machine, testing the markets and intending to make a sustainable machine
- Shantai Foundation: giving an opportunity to the residents of the vasti to present their savouries and handicrafts
- Two daughters helping their father sustain the family business of about 45 years into stone sculpting and pottery making
- Two friends who envisage to bring the sarees back as couture.
- Our own students who put up food stalls and showed their entrepreneurial spirit in action.
- Agricultural entrepreneurs
- There were 45 stalls and 250 people visited the Fest.
Music, good food, creativity corners, discussion groups and connecting with the small scale to medium scale innovative people made the day a successful one for the attendees as well as the participants.
World Environment Day
- Mr. Arpo Mukherjee started his session by explaining about ecosystem restoration. Ecosystem restoration is one of the most important ways of delivering nature-based solutions for food insecurity, climate change mitigation and adaptation, and biodiversity loss.
- It is not a quick or easy process; it will take deep changes to everything from the way we measure economic progress to how we grow food and what we eat. But the beauty of ecosystem restoration is that it can happen at any scale – and everyone has a role to play.
- The Speaker covered the main topics regarding the state of our lands, the state of our oceans, wealth vs material consumptions, the climate crisis the local challenges and the solutions that can be adopted to overcome these challenges.
- He conducted an exercise with the attendees wherein he asked them to write about the current and sustainable practices that each individual does in their lives with respect to certain areas such as transport, waste management, electricity, food, life on land.
- This exercise made the attendees self-reflect on their actions if any taken by them at their homes or workplaces. It struck hard to the point that only talking about these things does not make a difference. Hence, each contribution at all levels is important.
- He urged the attendees to take the environment pledge and put it on their LINKEDIN profiles for better reach and accentuating sustainable practices.
The Inauguration Ceremony of Dindi at SPPU on June 23, 2022
On 23 June 2022, NSS Unit with 30 volunteers visited SPPU for inaugural ceremony of Dindi. SPPU Lallitkala Kendra students performed a drama in remembrance of Forgotten heroes Chapekar Bandu’s, i.e. Damodar Hari Chapekar and his brothers Balkrishna & Vinayak(22 June 1897 ). The drama depicted the story of three brothers set out to kill British officer Walter Charles Rand who had handled plague in Pune in a high-handed manner, leading to loss of precious lives in all ages.
The NSS student volunteers from SPPU affiliated colleges also participated in Vriksha Dindi.
SPPU NSS Unit distributed one Tulsi Sapling to each NSS PO. Students sang NSS Song, Bhajans, Abhangas and danced like Warkaris in SPPU premises.
World Earth Day ( Poster Making )
Gulhane Parishweta Krushnarao, Rutuja parkhi, Kanizfatema khan, Vanessa Manuel participated in Poster Making event. Competition was executed in online mode. 20 visitors visited the poster competition. Their feedback is too positive.
28th June 2022
Twenty Five students and two faculty members played lagori in the play area. There was a healthy competition while they were playing. The students enjoyed the game a lot. This activity helped them to exercise, to find some time apart form the daily academics and tasks to relax, mingle with friends, have fun and develop their skills.
Christmas Celebration
Our colourful and lively Christmas celebration started with a Ramp Walk competition amongst our students. It was titled as ‘Choose to Shine.’ All the 22 students who participated were given 25 minutes to dress up including the attire, hairdo and make-up. Ms Shraddha Shinde emerged as the winner while Ms. Mansi Asnani was selected as the Runner-up. We then had a group of our students who sang beautiful carols and another group which presented a dance performance.
We ended the celebration with excitedly opening-up the gifts that each one of us got from our Secret Santa. The chits for Secret Santa were picked up on 18th December 2021 itself. Students’ Council members were highly praised for arranging a programme so vibrant.
Sadhu Vaswani Institute of ManagemeNt Studies for Girls organized a workshop on Dotillism in the fond memory of our Rev Founder Dada JP Vaswani’s birthday on 2nd Aug 2020.Dotillism Art is a concept established by Elspeth McLean, an Australian artist who believes this art can bring joy to people’s life through vibrant colors and dots.
She coined the term ‘Dotillism” to describe her art as she could not fit her artwork into any existing art categories. Although she uses dots as in Pointillism, her patterns do not provide an image, it’s simply a pattern.Ms Harshali Chandgadkar a student of MBA – II conducted an online Dotillism workshop on Zoom platofrm. The workshop was conducted for 1 hour and was attended with 70 participants, who enthusiastically drew their patterns, letting their creativity take lead.
Celebrating Regional Diversity: Traditional Attires of India
Tuesday, 10th October 2022
We belong to a country rich in its heritage, culture and traditions. All of these are reflected in our clothes, our food, our belief and value systems as well as our homes.
SVIMS held an activity to celebrate the oneness in these different and vibrant essence of India – to celebrate the Regional Diversity of our Country through its varied colourful attires. The students were asked to adorn themselves in their traditional attires and share their pictures. Many of the girls participated in the event, bringing to life the hues of different states of India.
SVIMS has always believed in providing an inclusive environment with focus on cultural and communal harmony. This activity was an initiative to touch upon the traditional India that lives deep in our modern generation, which is competitive, achievers, influencers and global citizens. It was heartening to see these multi role players touch their roots, present themselves as confident and proud Indians.
Monday, 26th September to Wednesday, 4th October 2022
Navratra was celebrated with a lot of fun and fervor at SVIMS. Everyday is marked by a special color. A poster was floated everyday to make the faculty, staff and students aware about the importance of the particular day, goddess worshiped on that day and the special color for the day. Everyone at SVIMS tried to wear the specific color for the day.
On 1st October 2022, the girls celebrated Navratra by performing Garba. Garba is considered as a special dance to mark the strength of womanhood and to worship the goddess.
13 to 17 August 2022
The Tri-colour flag is a symbol of pride for every Indian. It represents national integrity and signifies the hopes and aspirations of the Indian people.
In a tweet on 22 July 2022, PM Modi had said, “This year, when we are marking Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav, let us strengthen the Har Ghar Tiranga Movement. Hoist the Tricolour or display it in your homes between 13th and 15th August. This movement will deepen our connection with the national flag.”
The movement aims to make the relationship with the national flag a more personal one rather than just keeping it formal or institutional. The idea behind the initiative is to invoke the feeling of patriotism in the hearts of the people and promote awareness about the tricolour.
The Institute participated in the Har Ghar Tiranga Movement in the campus on 13th August 2022. The reception area was decorated in hues of white, green and saffron. A Selfie Corner was set up to capture the patriotic mood of Students, Faculty and Staff of SVIMS.
Students enthusiastically participated in the event. Amazing Video and Photographs captured the mood of the audience.
“Jashan Tara” Short Play On occasion of Dada J P Vaswani’s 104th Birthday Celebration
30th July 2022 & 7 August 2022
Students and Faculty of SVIMS presented a play depicting the Spiritual Brilliance of our Rev. Founder, Dada J P Vaswani to celebrate his 104th Birth Anniversary.
The play commenced with Mira, a student, observing the stars using the telescope in the observatory. When she observes a certain formation in the sky, she is excited. When questioned by her teacher, she requested him also to see it. After observation, the teacher remarked that this is the ‘Constellation taking the form of Dada J P Vaswani’. Mira’s curiosity is raised further, and she asked her teacher to enlighten her about Dada Vaswani. The teacher then went on to narrate few incidents from his life.
Dada Vaswani, as a child, was in the music class – wherein he asked his teacher – why is it that the sound ‘Sa’ appears twice in the Sargam. The reply – ‘Sa’ is sung twice – one at lower level and another at upper level – raised his inquisitiveness. He metamorphized this philosophy to life – one can live his/her life at lower level – equating it with being engrossed in worldly desires and duties, whereas one who lives his/her life at upper level is always devoted to God and serves the humanity. Child Jashan’s determination was there for all to see when he decided to lead his life at the upper level.
Once Dada was going to the temple with the Satsangis. He heard the cry for help from a needy person. One of the Satsangis approached him and found that he was suffering from leprosy. He dissuaded Dada from reaching out to the needy man. But Dada being Dada, took him under his wing and provided support to come out of his misery.
Similar other incidents brought forth his love and compassion for all those who got an opportunity to interact with him.
Mira, inspired by the life of Dada J P Vaswani, decided to name the constellation after him – “Jashan Tara”
The play conceptualized by our Director Dr. B H Nanwani, was appreciated by one and all. The resounding success echoed into the halls of Sadhu Vaswani Mission and the play was repeated on 7th August 2022 on the occasion of “Chhathi – Naming Ceremony of Dada Vaswani”
The participants were:
Ms. Sonali Joshi – Teacher
Ms. Riya Chotwani – Student
Ms. Namrata Nagpal – Dada J P Vaswani
Ms. Kiran Rajpurohit – Didi Krishin Kumari
Ms. Vipashyana Sonawane – Music Teacher
Ms. Harshali Bhalerao, Ms. Aditi Vatare, Ms. Shobha Sharma, Ms. Sakshi Darawade and Ms. Mansi Shinde – Satsangis
The students from St. Mira’s Secondary School essayed the role of children in the drama.
Ms. Asawari Nawale supported the participants by ably handling the make up requirements and Ms. Isha Khandekar provided backend support. The event was ably coordinated by HOD, Dr. Divya Lakhani
Quiz – Apna Desh Apne Hathiyar
19 January 2022
An intensive countrywide campaign on Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav is being organized which is focusing on citizen participation to make it a ‘Janandolan’, where small changes, at the local level, will add up to significant national gains.
Various freedom programs with the name of Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav are also being organized across the country by the Government of India to commemorate the freedom fighters. These programs include photo exhibitions, moving vans, various completions, etc which depict the contribution of freedom fighters.
As a part of Republic Day Celebrations, 2022, an online quiz competition on the themes of “Atmanirbhar Bharat in Defence Production and Apna Desh Apne Hathiyar” is being conducted by Ministry of Defence in coordination with during 05 – 20 January, 2022 in order to create patriotic feeling among youth and masses.
The students, faculty and staff of SVIMS participated in the Quiz on 19th January 2022. They registered on the and attempted the quiz. There were 20 questions that were related to the various weapons that India is possessing and that had been developed in India to showcase its self-reliance.
The event was a huge success with more than 80 participants. So far, 51 students have received certificate of participation
21st March 2022
The program commenced with the welcome address by Ms. Neelam Chavan, student of MBA I.
The competition was judged by Dr. Surbhi Jain, Professor and Head, PUMBA, SPPU. The presentations were given by the following participants:
The students gave presentation on topics that ranged from Competency Mapping, Project Management, CSR Awareness, Performance Appraisal, Exploring Canva and Digital Marketing, etc.
Dr. Surbhi Jain, judge, summarized the presentations and expressed her satisfaction to the participants on the wonderful manner in which they presented their summer internship projects.
A tough competition ensued amongst the participants, and undermentioned students came out victorious:
Winner Mr. Vinod Ramchandra Kantole
Runner Up Mr. Anzer Ahmed Altaf Ahmed Faizee Ms. Riddhi Dhirendra Thakkar
A cash prize of ₹ 1500 was awarded to the winner, whilst the cash prize of ₹ 750 was shared by the runner ups.
The program ended with the vote of thanks by MS. Shraddha Shinde, President – Student Council, SVIMS.
Cultural Program – Maharashtra and Odisha
12th March 2022
The program commenced with the Welcome Address by Ms. Mahima Sachdev, student, SVIMS, that was followed by a soulful bhajan sung by Ms. Deepali Chanchlani – Achutam Keshawam..
The students of SVIMS presented the following:
1. Speech on essence of Maharashtra by Ms. Mitali Ukey.
2. Dance performance by Ms. Namrata Nagpal on the popular Marathi number mi hai koli
3. Speech by Ms. Kanizfatema Khan who spoke about the cultural heritage of Maharashtra.
4. Ms. Kajal Malke danced to the number – chala jao jejuri la
5. Ms. Mahima Sachdev, recited a poem on culture of Maharashtra and significance of our rich culture and diversity.
6. Ms. Salomi Gore and Ms. Abinaa Fatimson, sang a beautiful duet song dedicating it to the women of India.
7. Ms. Merlin Martin sang a beautiful rendition of – Dislaga bai disla
8. A song – Nimbonichya jada maghe performed by Ms. Pratiksha Ransingh
9. A Marathi poem by Ms. Farzin, who brought out the importance of friendship in this age of digital world.
10. A beautiful lavani performance by Ms. Parishweta Gulhane had the audience swaying along with her.
After these wonderful performances by SVIMS students, students from DAMITS took the centre stage. They showcased the following performances:
1. Sambalpuri Dance – a folkloric dance form, that owes its origin to the western part of Odisha, particularly the erstwhile Sambalpur district of Odisha by the following students
· Ms. Sonali Maharana
· Ms. Rajnandini Toppo
· Ms. Uma Rani Soni
· Ms. Damini MajhiDa
2. Rendering their beautiful voices to the song – Bande Utkal Janani – were
· Ms. Subhalaxmi Jena
· Ms. Ashpreha Raj
· Ms. Pooja Barik
· Ms. Baisakhee Nayak
· Ms. Ankita Tirkey
3. Semi classical Solo Dance by Ms. Subhalaxmi Jena beautifully showcased her talent and skills. So expressive and vocal just by using her facial expressions, amazing and memorable. Just what was needed after a musical and lyrical staging.
4. Song by Mr. Krishna Patra gave a wonderful performance that made our day!!
5. Fashion walk by Ms. Shashi Bisoi and Mr. Abinas, a beautiful sight indeed, an event at which collections of traditionally designed clothing were modelled for our audience.
6. Following DAMITS students presented the tribal dance
· Ms. Ankita Tirkey
· Mr. Basant Kullu
· Mr. BishalLugun
· Ms. AlishKerketta
· Mr. Anish Burh
· Ms. Sumitra Ganjhu
· Mr. Nitesh Tirkey
· Ms. Damini Majhi
· Ms. Uma Rani Soni
· Ms. Rajnandini Toppo
· Mr. Pradeep Jojo
· Ms. Sandhya Lomga
· Ms. Pritika Ekka
· Ms. Stela Bodra
· Ms. SuraniKandulna
Lastly, on popular demand, we had Mr. Amit Pal, who sang in his true style and brought smiles on face of all the participants. He had been consistently participating in the event with zeal and enthusiasm.
The events jointly organized by SVIMS and DAMITS had both the institutes showcasing the culture and heritage of Maharashtra and Odisha. It is very essential to note that India is in the heart of all citizens, whether they belong to Maharashtra or Odisha. Hence, as a tribute to the nation the last performance was given by Ms. Isha Khandekar, Ms. Shreya Vibute, Ms. Namrata Nagpal and Ms. Salomi Gore, students from MBA I, who gave a mesmerizing performance wherein they danced to the popular number – ‘Desh Rangeela’ from the movie ‘Fanaa’. This brought out the essence of national integration.
The program concluded with the vote of thanks was given by Dr. Divya Lakhani, HOD, SVIMS.
The enthusiastic participation of 134 students and faculty made this series of events under Azadi ka Amrit Mahotsav and Ek Bharat Shrestha Bharat a memorable one.
The Annual Best Student Award was organized on 9th October 2021 in the seminar. Students were nominated for these awards based on feedback from teachers and the Director and after considering their contributions in the fields of academics, Sports, Cultural & CSR Programs.
The programme was conducted both in online mode and physically. Owing to the pandemic, only prize winners and their parents were invited to attend the programme.
Best Students Awards were declared as follows:
Best student award – Ms Harshali Chandgadkar
Outstanding Students:
Ms Sayali Choudhari and
Ms Pooja Zawar
Dr Nanwani distributed the prizes and delivered a very motivating speech. The Director congratulated the parents in nurturing their wards – imparting the right values and supporting their rducational journeys.
Individual teachers as also the prize winners recounted incidents connected with their time at SVIMS and finally the proud parents too spoke words of praise for their daughters and thanked the Institution and the teachers for their efforts in shaping the lives and careers of their wards.
Participation – 19 including Parents and Online 86
International Forgiveness Day ( Moment of Calm)
2 August 2021
Rev. Dada J. P. Vaswani’s birthday on 2nd August is celebrated as World Forgiveness Day. Our staff and students participate in this event to help promote Peace and Love.
Tu hi Durga, Tu hi Krishna
Janmashtami Celebration 31.08.2021
This year, we decided to celebrate Janmashtami around the theme of ‘Tu hi Durga, Tu hi Krishna.’ The idea and understanding behind this theme were that in today’s world, a woman must be her own protector, her own Krishna. We all know and have heard at various points of time that “God helps those who help themselves” and this was exactly what we wanted to convey through our virtual celebration of Janmashtami.
Our students namely, Ms Deepali Chanchlani and Ms Mrunmayee Thorat had recorded beautiful and soulful renditions in the form of a Bhajan and a classical dance performance. Both were shown to all the participants in this celebration. Besides these, our other students Ms Falak Baig, Ms Shraddha Shinde, Ms Vanessa along with Ms Deepali shot 2 very short videos around this year’s theme to demonstrate today’s women in her Krishna-roop. These too, were shown to the audience. We ended the celebration with a speech cum story narration by Dr Sujata Vaidya. She drew a meaningful analogy between Krishna-energy and a woman. It was her narration that conveyed this year’s theme in a simple and a beautiful manner.
Link :
Game of Talks: National Level Debate Competition
- Game of Talks, National Level Debate Competition started at 10 am on 26th july 2021.
- Microsoft Teams Link was provided to the Participants on 25th July 2021.
- The 1st Round started at 10:15 am.
- Assessors and Participants were asked to join their Respective Breakout Rooms for the 1st Round.
- Our Panel of Assessors were: Ms. Dhairya Gangwani, Ms. Preeti Sakhre, Ms. Shrutika Joshi, Ms. Vagisha Arora, Mr. Darshit Parikh.
- Each Round took around 25 minutes.
- Once all the GD Rounds were done, top 18 participants were chosen for the QnA Round.
- For the QnA Round, 2 participants were to go up against each other, from that 9 participants each were selected as top 9.
- From the 9 participants, depending upon their individual Group Discussion Marks and the Percentage of votes received, top 4 Finalists were chosen.
- The Debate Topic: “Corporates are emotionally barren.”
- Our Judges for the Debate Round were: Ms. Nancy Shah and Mr. Imran Mohammed.
- Top 4 Finalists were: Ms. Prerana M, Ms. Sakshi Tyagi,Ms. Urja Mishra, Mr. Suhas Hydur.
- Ms Urja Mishra and Ms. Prerana M stood FOR the topic whilst Mr. Suhas Hydur and Ms. Sakshi Tyagi stood AGAINST the topic.
- The Round took place for 1hour 30 minutes.
- We then announced the Winner and Runner Up of the National Level Debate Competition.
- Event ended at 2:30 pm.
Winner and Runner Up:
- Ms. Urja Mishra – Winner
Mr. Suhas Hydur – Runner Up
This year Ganpati Festival was celebrated with the students and their families at their homes as SVIMS opted for virtual celebrations.
· Teams Microsoft link was floated by the students inviting all the others to join in the celebrations.
· All the attendees participated with complete devotion and reverence for Lord Ganesha. Due to the somber environment (Covid 19), the festivities were not held at a grand scale, as is the tradition of SVIMS. But the event was conducted with full devotion
Art of Living online Covid care – Immunity Boosting programme
24 to 26 June 2021
SVIMS and SPPU jointly organized a three days Art of Living Online Covid Care – Immunity Boosting programme. The programme was meant to boost immunity, improve lung capacity, mental health and reduce stress and anxiety through meditation, breathing and yoga for non-Covid, Covid positive with mild or moderate symptoms and post Covid persons. The three-day programme started on June 24 and concluded on 26 July between 6 PM to 7 PM.
Art of Living Pune Chapter’s team of Trainers – Ms Rajashree Modak, Mr Parag Kulkarni, Mr Rohit Patil trained our students and staff on Yoga, meditation and breathing techniques as effective tools to fight against the physical and mental distress brought by the pandemic. These techniques are claimed to boost immunity and aid in the mental and emotional recovery of Covid-19 patients and others. The relaxation brought by these techniques also aids the healing process.
On the last day, Dr B H Nanwani, Director, SVIMS concluded the session by expressing gratitude for the conduct of the programe and shared her experience of the three-day event.
Actively Participated
Students – 127
Teaching faculty – 6
Non teaching faculty – 7
International Yoga Day 2022
8th International Yoga Day was celebrated by the students and the staff (Faculty and Admin staff) of SVIMS on 21st June 2022 with great enthusiasm. The event was organized and managed by NSS Unit of SVIMS.
The function began with a brief introduction of International Yoga Day by Ms Salomi Gore followed by introduction of guests, Ms Madhu Smita, Ms Ruchi Agarwal, and Ms Anjalee Deshmukh. They are Certified Yoga trainers from Kaivalyadhama Yoga Institute, Lonavala. Dr Divya Lakhani, HOD-Academics welcomed everyone and spoke about the significance of the day.
International Yoga Day is celebrated among the youth to make them understand the importance of Yoga in their lives. It helps the students understand how to maintain harmony between body and mind. Through the Yogasanas demonstrated and performed under the guidance of the Yoga experts, the students learned how to maintain correct form and posture. During Common Yoga Protocol, Ms Anjali spoke about ‘Body, Mind & Breath awareness & Stress relief’ through asanas, pranayama, and visualization, so that we develop awareness of the space between our thoughts & emotions and find a way to happiness. She encouraged the students to practice Yoga and meditation on a regular basis for a healthy body and mind. The function ended with a vote of thanks by Ms Manshree.
International Yoga Day 21 June 2021
Since its inception in the year 2015, June 21st is celebrated as The International Day of Yoga all over the world. This idea was proposed by our Prime Minister, Mr. Narendra Modi. He said, “Yoga is an invaluable gift of India’s ancient tradition. It embodies unity of mind and body; thought and action; restraint and fulfillment; harmony between man and nature; a holistic approach to health and well-being. It is not about exercise but to discover the sense of oneness with yourself, the world and nature. By changing our lifestyle and creating consciousness, it can help in promoting well-being.”
International Yoga Day was celebrated by the students, staff and teachers at Sadhu Vaswani Institute of Management Studies for Girls, Pune with The Kaivalyadhama Health and Yoga Research Center, Lonawala. Ms Anjali Deshmukh and team led students into warm up exercises, sitting and standing asanas, along with explanation of importance of each posture, and recitation of shlokas. The celebration concluded with a message by Dr. B. Nanwani, Director urging students to do yoga regularly to remain fit and improve concentration.
We also practiced yoga and breathing exercises from 8th June 2021 to 21st June 2021 under the guidance of Ms Isha Barut, MBA part 1 student as per the circular from Ministry of Ayush, Ministry of Education, Ministry of Ayurveda, Yoga & Naturopathy and Unani, AICTE, Savitribai Phule Pune University and NSS Unit.
Sr. No | Activity | Date from | To Date | Remark |
1. | Anulom-Vilom Breathing Exercise during Sanctuary Daily for 5 min | 8th June 2021 | 21st June 2021 | |
2. | Circulation of Handbook of Yoga | 8th June 2021 | 8th June 2021 | |
3. | Following Social Media Posts by MoE and Ayush Ministry through SVIMS page, Placement, and International Cell Social media pages | 8th June 2021 | 21st June 2021 | |
4. | Yoga workshop in association with Kaivalya Dham | 21st June 2021 | 21st June 2021 | 1 hour |
5. | Yoga player – Isha B (MBA part I) video on Yoga to disseminate importance of Yoga. | 15th June 2021 | | 5 min video to be uploaded on SVIMS FB page and YouTube channel. |
We shared Revered Dada J. P. Vaswani’s Video on ‘A Treasure trove of Insight on Yoga’ on International Yoga Day.
Regular practice of yoga will surely help our students achieve a better physical, mental, and spiritual life.
48 Participants
Fresher’s Party
Our MBA II students had expected these pandemic times to end by the time they would move to the IVth semester and Part I students would progress to IInd semester to throw a Fresher’s party for them. But, that did not happen and hence, they ultimately planned a virtual Freshers’ meet. And how! Like it’s theme of ‘Colour yourself in Rainbow’, this entire party was lighted up with colours. This meet carried more importance this year than ever because these students have yet not met each other offline. Thus, to bring everyone on a common platform and in a fun way, this virtual party was organised. While, physical interaction brings about dynamism and builds strong relationships, through interesting games and activities in this virtual meet, an effort was made to bring about team spirit, bonhomie and a sense of closeness. The most awaited Miss Fresher’s contest was an integral part of this meet. The elimination rounds of this contest displayed to us the thoughts, the creativity and innovation of MBA I students. We actually witnessed a rainbow of personalities across the performance of the participants. Interestingly, this contest was judged by our alumni, Ms Darshika Chug and Ms Snigdha Das. Ms. Preeti Bhise was crowned Miss Fresher 2020-2021.
All in all, this Freshers‘ party opened up beautiful secrets about students of MBA Part I.
HOLI : Let the Colour shower joy
This festival was celebrated as it can keep the traditions and the culture of the festival alive. The festival has given lots of enjoyment and excitement to the college authorities and students.
Holi is the festival which commemorates the victory of good over evil, brought about by the burning and destruction of the evil demon named Holika. So the spirit of Holi taught the students to follow good conduct in life and believe in the virtue of being truthful and honest. The festival marks the end of winter and the abundance of the upcoming spring harvest season. Due to Pandemic we celebrated this function virtually on MS Teams
11 Sep 2021
Ganpati Festival
For over a century, the Ganpati festival has been celebrated in Pune and other parts of Maharashtra through large-scale celebrations amid big processions of which the major attraction is Dhol-tasha (drums and cymbals).The 10-day Ganesh festival, a Hindu tradition is celebrated with special fervour in Maharashtra. However, with the coronavirus pandemic yet to recede, the preparations for Lord Ganesh’s arrival this year too had a Covid filter.
Ganesh Chaturthi, also known as Vinayaka Chaturthi, is a Hindu festival celebrating the arrival of Lord Ganesh to earth from Kailash Parvat with his mother Goddess Parvati/Gauri. The festival is marked with the installation of Lord Ganesh’s clay idols privately in homes and publicly by Shri Bal Gangadhar Tilak popularly known as Lokmanya Tilak in Pune in the year 1893 on elaborate pandals
Keeping with the spirit and the sanctity of the day, SVIMS celebrated this day with reverence and fervor.
To promote eco-friendly practices during Ganapati pooja celebrations
To promote awareness and understanding about the spiritual and cultural ideals related to the festival
To celebrate the diversity of the rich Indian culture and heritage
- This year Ganpati Festival was celebrated with the students and their families at their homes as SVIMS opted for virtual celebrations.
- Teams Microsoft link was floated by the students inviting all the others to join in the celebrations.
All the attendees participated with complete devotion and reverence for Lord Ganesha. Due to the somber environment (Covid 19), the festivities were not held at a grand scale, as is the tradition of SVIMS. But the event was conducted with full devotion.
29th July 2021
Founder’s 103rd Birth Anniversary Celebrations– Lunch at Ishaprema Niketan
Lunch sponsored by the Sadhu Vaswani Mission was arranged for the senior citizens. Of Ishaprem Niketan. The sumptuous spread for lunch included bahji pav, vada, sooji sheera and banana on 29th July 2019 for a which was distributed to 35 members. The authorities sent blessings and good wishes for the institute as an expression of gratitude.
19 Nov 2021
Guru Nanak Jayanti
Guru Nanak Devji is the first of the ten Sikh gurus and the founder of Sikhism. His birth anniversary of is observed as ‘Gurpurab’, or Guru Nanak Jayanti across the globe. Guru Nanak travelled widely to spread the message of oneness and compassion. This year, the 552nd birth anniversary of Guru Nanakji was celebrated on 19th November 2021.
Prime Minister Narendra Modi extended his greetings on the auspicious day to the nation stating that Guru Nanak Dev’s vision of a just, compassionate and inclusive society inspires the countrymen
- To celebrate and pay obeisance to Guru Nanak DevJi.
- To understand the significance of selfless service to humanity, prosperity, and social justice for all, irrespective of the differences they have
- To obey, respect and follow the path shown by a guru in each life in order to attain spiritual and holistic understanding of life.
- SVIMS conducted a special sanctuary for the celebrations of the birth anniversary of Guru Nanak Devji.
- The event commenced with chanting of Japji Sahib Hymn ‘Ek Onkar’ in reverence of the Guru.
- Ms. Bindiya Rangwani, faculty member, welcomed all the attendees to the event by quoting the message of “One Being, One God” as given by Guru Nanakji and all other saints.
- Dr. B H Nanwani, Director, shared her insights to the importance of the day, the beliefs and teaching of the saints and their relevance in today’s times. She also narrated a story on life of Guru Nanak Devji. Her sharings filled all the attendees with reverence and warmth.
- A video on the story of Guru Nanakji and the Emperor of Baghdad was played. The story reflects Guru’s three important teachings that are pertinent to our lives even today.
- The event concluded with a vote of thanks by Ms. Bindiya Rangwani to all the attendees.
Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj ki Jai
To celebrate one of our great heroes Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj, we had organized a competition that consisted of 2 categories: Story narration and Powada. The story to be narrated was to be based on Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj’s life and Powada is a genre of Marathi Poetry that narrates historical events in an inspiring manner. It emerged during the late 17th century and the composers-cum-singers narrate historical events in a very exciting and glorified manner.
The participants were asked to submit a video of a story narrated by them or a Powada sung by them. A total of 15 students participated. Under the category of Story narration, Ms Ami Adodariya stood 1st while Ms Anuja Jagdale grabbed the 2nd place and under the category of Powada; Ms. Parishweta stood 1st while Ms Damini Pande stood 2nd. We all paid our respects to Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj by watching and carefully listening to these videos that so well spoke about his glorious life.
Links to videos of Winners:
30th July 2021
Rising in Love Art and Science of Forgiveness International Conference
Forgiveness and Empathy are today touted as 21st century ‘must have skills’. SVIMS celebrated Rev.
Dada J P Vaswani – its Founder’s Bday as the Global Forgiveness Day on 30th July.
The Seminar began with a powerful guided meditation on Forgiveness by Rev Dada. Didi Krishna,
Working Chairperson, SVM then outlined the steps in the process of forgiveness as enunciated by B
Dada and supported her talk with some humorous and insightful stories and anecdotes.
Swami Mukundananda ( JK Yog) in his inimitable style made a compelling case for forgiveness and
how the same is in one’s own interest and helps in one’s own growth and progress. He gave a logical
base why we must forgive our own selves for apparent mistakes made as also when others hurt us
intentionally or otherwise.
Prof. Robert Enright, ( co founder International Forgiveness Indtitute) Aristotelian Professorship in
Forgiveness Science within the Department of Educational Psychology at the University of Wisconsin,
Madison, and father of scientific study of forgiveness shared his rich insights on forgiveness based on his
extensive research work. He explained the Greek concept of Agape Love which makes forgiveness
easier. He then explained the 4-steps of forgiveness – uncovering ( anger) , deciding to forgive (shared
humanity), Work phase, and deepening phase.
Dr.Suzanne Freedman ( International Firgiveness Institute)
Topic : Psychology of forgiveness (Interpersonal relationships)
Dr. Suzzane, a member of the International Forgiveness Institute US, said, Forgiveness education is associated with pro-social emotions and cognitions. Increase in forgiveness is associated with increase in empathy. She said Research also demonstrates that forgiveness is associated with both physical and psychological indicators of health, such as decreased anger and depression and increased hope and self-esteem. Further, she said positive outcomes associated with forgiveness education relate to positive social-emotional development during the childhood and adolescent years.
Further, she spoke about general guidelines for forgiveness which is as follows:
1. Forgiveness is not for everyone.
2. Interpersonal forgiveness is between people, not between a person and an inanimate object
3. Forgiveness is a choice one makes for him or herself
4. Forgiveness takes time
5. Forgiveness follows a deep, personal and unfair hurt-might be psychological, emotional, physical, or moral, etc.
She then covered a research study related to the use of children’s literature to teach 5th-grade students about forgiveness. Then she moved to the topics of coping mechanisms when hurt or angry, the importance of validating students’ anger and helping them express anger in healthy ways, the ripple effects of kindness.
Mr. Arun Sehgal ( CEO, Chempro Pharma)
Topic: Empathy and forgiveness: New Age Business & Personal skills
Mr.Arun Sehgal CMD at Chempro pharma Pvt. Ltd. Spoke about how empathy and forgiveness are necessary for workplace effectiveness. He gave insights about empathy and said it can be helpful to an individual to forgive others. He said forgiving is empowering, forgiveness can build loyalty, and it impacts an organization positively.
Further, he said forgiving can bring commitment in employees, and it can be helpful to build loyal teams. He explained this with real-life examples from his own life.
Gauranga Das Prabhu ( ISKCON) gave wonderful examples from the Bhagwad Gita to bring home the
point that God is pleased with and is benevolent towards those who forgive.
Ms. Rucsi Sarbu, Soul Doula
Based on the experiences of her healing sessions Md. Sarbu opined that ‘one changes one’s immediate
surroundings and field of energy when one intends to or when one forgives another person’ and that
very often there is something deeper that us underlying the process of forgiving. Another notable fact
she has come. Ms. Sarbu introduced the concepts of ‘Ancestral Forgiveness’ ‘Group Forgiveness’ and
‘Political Forgiveness’ all of which seem to have gained currency in recent times. She stated a couple of
common struggles that people face such as Self-Forgiveness and Self-loathing in the process of seeking
and giving forgivenes
27th Feb 2021
Marathi Bhasha Din Celebration
Prof. (Dr.) Vidyagauri Tilak, from Marathi Department of SPPU was invited to speak on the occasion of ‘Marathi Bhasha Gaurav Din’. The event started with a beautiful poem by ‘Kusumagraz’. Dr. Tilak said that, “every language has its own sweetness; we need to give respect to every language.” In her opinion, If a person wants to succeed in her/his career, it is very necessary for him/her to know regional language to establish the connect with people. The event continued with bright performances by our talented students as a part of competitions on Lavani, Singing, Ukhana and ‘Maji Prerena ‘(My inspiration).
The event ended with ‘Pasaydaan ‘.
Following are the winners of the Competition:
Singing Competition:
1.Meenakshi Vaidya-1st Prize
2.Shraddha Yadav-2nd Prize
Mazi Prerena:
1. Damini Pande-1st Prize
2. Sayali Rathod-2nd Prize
1. Harshali Chandgadkar -1st Prize
2. Parishweta Ghulane -2nd Prize
1. Shrutika Gaware-1st Prize
2. Shradha Shinde -2nd Prize
The programme was beautifully and skillfully anchored by Ms. Vaishali Patil
Celebrating our True Patriots
Independence day celebration 15 August 2020
We started our Independence Day celebration with a Poem, Vande Mataram eulogising to the Freedom Fighters for their courage and narration of an awe inspiring story of a soldier killed in action- Second Lieutenant Arun Khetrapal who was posthumously honoured with Param Vir Chakra. This story was narrated and recorded by our student Ms Apoorva Ohol. Ms Cassandra sang a song ‘Ae Watan’ as her melodious dedication to the true patriots of our country and we ended our celebration with a powerful talk by our Guest of Honour for the day Major Deepa Chandrasekaran. She is the First lady NCC Officer to represent our Country in Singapore and has been awarded with Directorate General NCC’s Commendation card for supreme dedication, sincerity and efficiency in discharging her duties.
E-Alumni and E-Farewell Meet
Some Memories to Treasure 28th June 2020
Amidst the pandemic that we all are facing this year, we decided to organize our Alumni meet and Farewell on an E-platform. The meet started with the Director’s welcome note and was then taken over by a team of our student hosts to read the appreciations written for alumni and MBA II students in an activity called ‘Fishponds.’ The next activity named as ‘Memory se connect karo’ refreshed the lovely memories of all the participants where they were asked to narrate a fun/loving memory with another participant they cherished at SVIMS. The challenge of repeating the tongue twisters followed the narration of lovely memories and a small fun-loving competition was held between alumni, MBA-II students and the faculty members.The last session of our programme was exclusively planned for alumni where they were requested to share their experiences in life after SVIMS. Every alumna who spoke expressed her gratitude towards SVIMS for teaching them the lessons of life, imparting values that keep them grounded in the corporate world and for instilling confidence in them at every stage and every task. Like every programme has a happy ending, the last segment of our meet was filled with awards for alumni and for MBA II students along with the coveted award of ‘Best Student of the Year’ award which was given to Ms. Siddhika Pawar.
We represent the myriad and diverse culture of our country showcased through our various programmes and events throughout the year.
12th February 2020
Sports Day Celebration
A show of enthusiasm, true spirit and valour is what our Sports Day was! The day was planned in a manner which ensured that the students warmed-up before competing for the series of activities then had a little fun through a lighter activity and finally, again got into fierce play of a game. Hence, after the Inauguration of Sports Day at the hands of our Director, a warm-up session in the form of Zumba was conducted by 2 of our students namely, Ms. Sanjana Rohara and Ms. Sneha Mistry. Then started the most awaited competition of the day which was as follows:
In a team of 6 members, students had to accomplish below mentioned physical tasks in the least amount of time and it was Ms. Sweta Ojha and team who won this competition:
- 100 Skips
- 20 Squat Jumps
- 10 Burpees
- 10 Pushup planks
- 100 Crunches
- 3-Legged race
- Relay race
- Sack race
After lunch, we had Musical Chair followed by Lemon and Spoon race and in both, the faculty members also participated equally. The day ended with a Dodge Ball game for fun.
Emerging Business World – Challenges and Opportunities during COVID-19 – on 10th June 2020
On 10th June 2020, SVIMS Global Connect organized a webinar on Emerging Business World – Challenges and Opportunities during COVID19. The key speaker was Mr. Robin Banerjee, Managing Director, Caprihans PVT LTD and a celebrated columnist.
Mr. Robin Banerjee started off by painting an optimistic picture of India post Covid. While the rest of the world by and large is predicting doomsday, Mr. Banerjee, pointed out how India was doing pretty well in tackling the COVID situation and how the sluice gates of economic activity would actually pick up if we focus on shifts in demand and take up business to meet these changes. For example, the demand has now shifted from luxuries to necessities. Even 5 Star hotels are fine tuning their products and their packages to meet this change /shift in demand. He also gave examples of businesses that would shift out of China and move to India. India has made certain changes in Insolvency and Bankruptcy Acts as also Labour laws and this augurs well for businesses and the economy.
The session was followed by an interesting and insightful Q&A session.
06th January 2020
Inauguration of the Yoga Foundation Course
Sadhu Vaswani Institute of Management Studies for Girls in association with Kaivalydham, Lonavala has introduced a Foundation Course in Yoga which was inaugurated on 6th Jan. 2020 by Dr. Bhalekar who is an Ayurvedacharya and Principal in charge at Gordhandas Seksaria College of Yoga & Cultural Synthesis, Kaivalydhama, Lonavala. Dr. Bhalekar while stating the importance of Yoga in life explained about the pain and pleasure centers in human body and how Yoga can help in controlling these centers.
Trainers Ms. Deeplaxmi Ballal, Ms. Dipti Kale and Ms. Anjali were also part of the inauguration. Ms. Deeplaxmi explained the syllabus of the course and answered to the queries of the students.
01st January 2020
Gurupurab Celebration
In line with our objectives of educating our students on ‘Unity amongst all religions’ and to emphasise on human values, we invited Ms. Harsheen Kaur, our alumna and a volunteer at Hollywood Gurudwara for the celebration of birth anniversary of a great hero, a great philosopher, Guru Gobind Singhji. She started with a soulful Punjabi Bhajan and then went on to explain to us the meaning of it. She then continued with enlightening us about Guru Gobind Singhji, how he inculcated basic human values in people around him and how he became a great hero in the eyes of so many. ‘Following a particular religion is an individual choice and inclusion of people from all religions is the foundation of a society’ was amongst his fundamental teachings which was enumerated by way of a story by Ms. Harsheen. We ended this celebration with another beautiful Bhajan sung for us by Ms. Harsheen Kaur.
21th November 2019
Raah Nurani
To portray glimpses from revered Sadhu T L Vaswani’s life is a challenging task. However, 14 students of our institute attempted to enact on 3 soul-stirring stories from his life, the script of which was written by our Director and was executed by Dr Smita Iyer. This play struck an emotional chord with the young audience and helped them understand the greatness of revered Sadhu T L Vaswani. Sadhu T L Vaswani was a noble soul who never bothered about materialistic possessions, fame, name and likewise. How was this seen in the his behaviour, his conduct and his lifestyle was depicted through a soulful act of Raah Nurani. His simplicity, his wisdom portrayed in the act left everyone mesmerised. The highlight of the play: a dialogue which said, “Dada, Nar nahi, Narayan hai” left the hall echoing with a round of applause from one and all.
24th October 2019
When a team of Raconteurs arrived
Effective storytelling involves a deep understanding of human emotions, motivations and psychology in order to truly move an audience and this is what Mr. Peter Veigas and his team exactly did by narrating a story based out of a typical Indian set-up but with an amusing end to it. The story was written by Padma Shri Vijaydan Detha in Marwadi and then translated in Hindi and eventually into English. This team demonstrated to our students, why storytelling is called an art and why it has become a crucial component of most of the Marketing campaigns. Since, Mr. Peter is the person who pioneered Pune’s Storytellers Group, towards the end of the session, he welcomed all those who are interested to join this group.
Celebrated 5th International Yoga Day (21st June 2019)
The Institute observed the International Yoga Day by inviting Ceetified Yoga teachers and trainers from Kaivalya Dham. Ms. Deeplaxmi Ballal delivered a talk on “Yoga for Healthy & Happy Lifestyle” followed by Yogasanas. Ms. Deeplaxmi with her two volunteers taught different yoga postures like Vrikshasana, Trikonaasana, Bhadrasana, Bhujangasana, Pawana Muktaasana, finally ended with Pranayama and Meditation. Prayers were recited before and after the program. The program ended with an oath being taken by all the participants to practice Yoga every day to keep the bodies, minds and souls healthy and happy.
The session was attended by both students and staff of SVIMS. The participants felt enlightened and energetic after the session.
Ms. Supriya Bhagat(Faculty member) introducing Ms. Deepalxmi Ballal dressed in black accompanied by Dr. B. H. Nanwani(Director, SVIMS)
Ms. Deeplaxmi Ballal Addressing the audience
Performing Yoga with Devyani
10th March 2019
Global Mentoring Walk
Like every year, this year too, we organized a mentoring session for our students in partnership with Vital Voices. This session named as ‘Global Mentoring Walk’ was our way of extending our International Women’s day celebration. In this session, below mentioned self-created iconic women leaders who have with courage proved their mettle in the corporate world, were invited to guide and provide a correct outlook to the dreams relating to professional career of our students. The session started with an introduction to Vital Voices and the profile of mentors by Ms. Sweta Mohapatra, Flagbearer of Vital Voices in Pune. Ms. Vinita Gera then addressed the students with her keynote speech on ‘Attracting, retaining and growing women talent in Corporates.’ Then, each of the mentors took over a group of students for a focused mentorship session. This session helped a lot of our students to broaden their outlook and clarify their doubts. The session ended with a question-answer round and felicitation of each mentor.
Name and Designation of the Mentors:
- Amarjeet Labana: HR Head, APAC region, MediaOcean
- Shweta Shukla: Director, HR, Mastercard
- Stueti Gupta: President, Society of Women Engineers and Senior Manager, John Deere
- Vinita Gera: General Manager, India, Dell EMC
- Taru Gardonia: Programming Head, Radio Mirchi
- Nandini De: Director, Engineer, Veritas
08th March 2019
Musical celebration on International Women’s Day
This year we decided to celebrate International Women’s Day with a musical twist. LiveJam Foundation was invited to our institute to engage our students and faculty members through a live musical programme and a short motivational talk by their facilitator Ms. Rachel. This programme was organized to address the issues that stem from crisis of identity and sexual abuse, however, in a subtle manner. Their message of ‘Live Life Loud’ was clear and melodious throughout this celebration. Through this interesting set-up, they helped our students to live with higher meaning of purpose and self-love.
Janmashtami Day Celebration 31st August 2018
This colourful and blissful celebration started with welcoming the children of our staff members dressed up like Kanhas and Gopis and like our tradition goes, with a Pooja of all of them and distribution of small matkis filled with Butter, Chocolates and Sweets. This evening then proceeded with a soulful Bharatnatyam performance by Kamya Singh, daughter of our HoD, Dr. Prabha Singh, a solo Garba performance by our student-Neha Advani, 3 group dance performances by MBA Part I and MBA part II students and a hilarious yet smartly put up dance performance by our student- Kajal Borhade.
In midst of all the high-energy dance performances, the main attraction of this celebration was the breaking of Dahi Handi by our little ones, which was followed by a Jalebi eating competition between the kids and the students. We ended the programme by distributing eateries to all our students, a feast for all the small children and having a small get together.
International Yoga day
Yoga is a legacy passed to us by our ancestors. It is a heritage that we Indians proudly own.
On International Yoga day, we organized an hour’s Yoga session, conducted by Yoga experts, Mr. Mathews and Ms. Jomini from Patanjali Yog Samiti, who very sincerely observed the protocol of the International Yoga Day. They taught us various Yoga Asanas, explaining to us, the significance of each of the asana to reenergize our body and our mind.
Every year, students organise RAYS, an Inter institutional Management Fest which is divided into three days – Management Events Day, Sports Day and Cultural Day
Sports Day
We have staged dramas conceived, scripted and directed with staff and students of SVIMS
SVIMS performed a thought- provoking play named Rab-Ka-Saamna-Build Six Packs of Spirituality during the Thanks giving week celebrated at Sadhu Vaswani Mission(SVM), Pune. The play was with its gripping tale, engaging characters, lovely visuals and music aimed at reconciling and strengthening the audience’s faith in God.
Mr. DJ Narain, Director, Film and Television Inst of India (FTII) was Chief Guest of the event. Mrs. Trisha Narain, Director of Bank of Patiala, his wife too was present on the occasion.
A play devoted to bring forth the point that attitude of gratitude is the best philosophy to live by and that God is too wise to make a mistake and too loving to punish!
Incidents which show how Sadhu Vaswani brought a rainbow in the lives of people and how a rainbow can be brought about in each of our lives by practising three principles:
Let God in [Bring God into your lives]
The Principle of Gratitude
Principle of Forgiveness
Republic Day & Independence Day Celebrations
Date: 15th Aug 2018
Students and Staff celebrated Independence Day by unfurling the National Flag at St. Mira’s College for Girls. The occasion was marked by speeches by Ms. Dipeshri Kadam, Ms. Shraddha Ghute and Ms. Shivani Deokar. They spoke about our freedom fighters, the true meaning of freedom and recalled sacrifices of some of the youngest male and female freedom fighters. After the wonderful speeches Ms. Smarnika Wankhede, a student of MBA IInd year sung melodious patriotic songs. Her rendition of ‘Ae mere watan ke logo’ left many with tear filled eyes. The program came to an end with a group dance performed by students on a patriotic song
Date: 26th Jan 2018
Republic Day and Independence Days are celebrated by staff and students of SVIMS at St. Mira’s College for Girls, Pune, sister institute of SVIMS. Songs like ‘Vande Mataram’, Ae Vatan’ lend patriotic fervour while spectacular yoga and taekwondo displays by students leave one speechless.
Women’s Day Celebrations
8th March – The premise wears a festive look as girls come dressed to celebrate their special day. Pasted on walls are impressive messages about the greatness of women. This is a day to reflect on and appreciate the progress, achievements of women. Video clips of some great women, their learnings, messages are shown to inspire the young girls. Various fun games and competitions are organized for staff and students. There is joie de vivre and a spirit of bonhomie everywhere.
8th March 2018
Women’s Day Celebration – Is the World Equal For Women
8th March celebrated as the “International Women’s Day”, is an important occasion for everyone to reflect and to appreciate the progress, achievements of women. Women generally face the glass ceiling in the corporate world. It is an unequal world for women. To however encourage our students to strive and struggle for their rights, we invited Ms. Kavita Kalikar [Director Ognibene India Limited, Pune] to share her journey from a frontline employee to the Director of an MNC. She spoke of ‘all it takes’ to become successful in one’s chosen career.
The premise wore a festive look as girls came dressed to celebrate their special day. Pasted on walls were impressive messages about the greatness of women. A video clip was shown about some great women and their learnings and messages. Various fun games and competitions were organized for staff and students. There was joie de vivre and a spirit of bonhomie everywhere.
The students of SVIMS celebrated Women’s day on 8th March 2017. A student from MBA Ist year Ms. Riya Mathew delivered speech on the great achievements and contributions of Women leaders in India. Along with the speech, she also showed a documentary on Malalla Yousafzai where she narrated the story of Malalla on how she defied the Taliban in Pakistan and demanded that girls be allowed to receive education. Ms. Mathew highlighted her achievements and explained how her focus on education and women’s rights, forced world leaders to change their policies.
SVIMS co-sponsored a glittering Women’s Day Event organised by Moneylife Foundation and Magarpatta City. Chief Guest of the evening Sindutai Sapkal, known as Mai, and noted social activist and social worker, who has nurtured and protected over thousand five hundred orphan children and destitute and abandoned women, although she herself was an abandoned daughter and wife! During her talk, she mentioned about the obstacles faced by her resultant of perceptions based on gender. These perceptions, according to her, led to poor social and cultural acceptance of women, lack of self-belief by women and denial of financial funding. Further she added how women face greater constraints in geographic mobility imposed by safety concerns and social norms.
Sindhutai held the packed auditorium spellbound with her inspiring anecdotes and poignant episodes from her life. SVIMS Faculty and students were present at the gathering, led by our Director, Dr. Nanwani.
” A woman can never be defeated. But she needs to keep her heart strong and learn to forgive,” was Sindhutai’s message to the young women present at Symbiosis Vishwabhavan Auditorium.
SVIMS celebrated Women’s Day on 8th March 2014. Ms. Smita Mehandale our faculty member delivered a speech and showed a short movie on Marry Barra, the Chairman and CEO of General Motors. The messages that Ms. Smita Mehendale wanted to convey through her speech were:
1.Talent not Gender earns the positions.
2.Women are not meant to do only sober or non-strenuous work; they may go into engineering or any of the technical fields and can get their hands greased.
Global Mentoring
SVIMS played host for the Global Mentoring Walk -2018, an international event organised by Vital Voices, across 60 countries. The event affords women leaders across different cultures and generations to share their talent, experience, wisdom and power with women in their fledgling careers.
The program was organized commemorating the International Women’s Day on 10th March 2018. Ms. Sweta Mohapatra, Founder – Diversity Vision, a certified coach, and consultant in HR for leading corporates and empaneled with Cherie Blair Foundation for Women as a mentor for budding women leaders organised the function and brought together well known women leaders to share their experiences and expertise with women readying to enter the corporate world.
With an aim to actualize the thought of ‘Woman stands for Woman’ the Saturday morning saw leading Women Professionals from Pune, taking time out from their busy schedules to mentor the students of SVIMS.
Forty students were selected and divided into groups of five. Each group had the opportunity of interacting with mentors like Amarjeet Labana -Director HR Asia Pacefic-Mediaocean, Adhishree Gupte-Location People Office Head-FIS, Shivani Kaul-Product Marketing Manager -John Deer Technology Centre, Stueti Gupta- Manager- John Deer Technology Centre and Shweta Shukla- Director and Sr. HRBP Mastercard. The students asked a series of questions on how to make initial impression, balance family and work especially post marriage and motherhood, fixing of financial goals and achieving career persistency. The mentors poured in their experience in answering these questions. The programme also had a ‘mentoring walk’ where in corporate women leaders guided, motivated and mentored their junior female workforce for leadership roles as they walked together.
Post this, there was a talk by Ms. Priya Tandon -Head of Healthcare Welfare Education India Unit at Tieto. She Spoke about her journey from being an engineer to key managerial personnel, motivating the audience to identify and write their own success story with a belief that each one had a story to tell.
The programme concluded with a panel discussion where in prominent management leaders across Pune participated and reasoned out that strong aspiration amongst women is the only essential ingredient required for taking up leadership roles. The Panel consisted of names like: Vinita Gera – General Manager India COE, Sonia Chand – General Manager Corporate Social Responsibilty, Nandini De- Director of Engineering Veritas, Rinku Basu- Director & Head – Productivity Solutions Group-HCL Tehnologies, Dr. B.H. Nanwani- Director, Sadhu Vaswani Institute of Management Studies and Mr. Kishor Siddwani- Former VP at Atlas Copco.
Celebration of Hero Days and Other Days of National Importance
The Institute ovserves Yoga Day, Rashtriya Ekta Diwas ‘, Maharashtra Day, Dr. B.R. Ambedkar’s Birth Anniversary, Matribhasha Divas, National Youth Day, Constitution Day, National Education Day Rashtriya Ekta Diwas, World Students Day, Gandhi Jayanti et al.
The Days are usually marked by speeches and remembrances of the work and life of great men of our country.
Dr. B.R. Ambedkar’s Birth Anniversary [13th April] …incidents from his life are narrated and his contribution to drafting the Constitution are discussed.
Maharashtra Day and Labour Day [1st May] .. Teachers speak about the rich and diverse culture of Maharashtra.
On the Hindi Divas [14th September] the programme covers readings from famous Hindi poets, a kavi sammelan, and a special quiz on Hindi idioms for teachers.
Gandhi Jayanti [2nd October] ..Rich tributes are paid to the Father of the Nation. usually some anecdotes are read and discussed from the book ‘My Experiments with Truth’.
World Students Day- Dr.A.P.J Abdul Kalam Birth Anniversary [15th October]…The day is observed as Vaachan Prerna Diwas or ‘Reading Day’. Students are encouraged to visit the Library and read inspirational books.
Rashtriya Ekta Diwas -Sardar Vallabh Bhai Patel Jayanti [31st October] ..Students and faculty members take the Unity Pledge. Student activities focussing on Teamwork and Unity / Unity Runs are organised. The ceaseless efforts of Shri Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel in promoting peace, unity and safety of our country are recognized and appreciated on this day. A 30 minute documentary film on the life of Sardar Patel is screened followed by the Unity Pledge, administered to all present.
National Education Day [11th November] is observed to commemorate the Birth Anniversary of Maulana Abul Kalam Azad. Rich tributes are paid to India’s first Education Minister.
Teachers’ Day
Teachers’ Day is celebrated with great enthusiasm by students. They put up a well thought out cultural programme full of songs, dances, skits and games to shower their love and affection on their teachers.
Swachhata Pakhwada and Swachh Bharat Abhiyaan
A fifteen day cleanliness programme saw students cleaning classrooms, the campus, neighbourhoods, arranging competitions, observing ‘green day’ listening to lectures on ‘garbage management systems’ visiting “Maher Ashram” Bakhori to undertake a cleanliness drive et al. The fortnight saw students emerge as responsible citizens raring to do their bit to create clean environments.
Cleanliness begins with our Alma Mater! The Director Dr. B.H. Nanwani, Faculty and students clean the SVIMS campus under the PM’s Clean India Drive. Taking over all the brooms and dustpans and other implements from the store room, students and Faculty get down to cleaning the front drive and the green patches and the surroundings of the campus after class hours. Students also undertake visits to spread the mesage of keeping the environment clean.
Distributing saplings to passersby outside the institute conveying the message of tree plantation and cleanliness
Ganeshotsav is celebrated with a lot of enthu and gusto all over Maharashtra and so is it celebrated at SVIMS. Ganpati idol made of eco friendly shaadu maati is installed amidst the sounds of cymbals and singing of devotional songs. Skits are staged by the students on Ganesh’s childhood, songs, dance and information packed presentations mark the five day celebration at SVIMS.On the 5th day we had the Ganpati visarjan at SVIMS. The idol is later immersed in an eco friendly way. Potluck party is organised and the festival is credited with bringing bout bonding and love among students.
Peace March
As a prelude to the Great Master, Sadhu Vaswani’s birthday celebrations [25th November], our students participate in the SAK [Stop All Killing] Peace March held every year in November. The event is an initiative that seeks to promote values such as compassion, non -violence and reverence for all life as a first step towards World Peace.
World Forgiveness Day ( Moment of Calm)
Rev. Dada J. P. Vaswani’s birthday on 2nd August is celebrated as World Forgiveness Day. Our staff and students participate in this event to help promote Peace and Love.
Students’ Events
We organise a Freshers’ party and a Farewell part every here. While the Freshers’ Part is full of fun and frolic to help new students assimilate the culture and know their seniors, the farewell party is emotional with students recalling their days at SVIMS and their contributions to the Institute.
Freshers’ Party
Alumni Meet
It is our continous endeavour to stay in touch with our Alumni and strengthen the bonds even after our students leave the portals of SVIMS. It is thanks to the efforts of some of our dynamic alumnus that we now have a registered Alumni Association.
We touch base with our alumni through our monthly e newletter, Setu – The Connect. Some of our alumni are members of our committees while others stay connected by participating in social, cultural and humanitarian activities of our parent body – Sadhu Vaswani Mission.
We also have an annual alumni meet in February. Such events are fun-filled and nostalgic. It is a moment of pride and reckoning to see our ex-students turn into confident, responsible and hardworking corporate citizens working in prestigious organisations! These are events to remember indeed…regaling, reunion, and reverent recalls. The alumni share their pearls of wisdom, their life at SVIMS, Sanctuary and generally guide the students on developing networks and values and attitudes required for success in the corporate world. There are entertaining sound bites from alumni, dances, games and sumptuous and mouth watering snacks.