
To establish a mechanism for online registration as well as disposal: of Grievances of students/faculty/stakeholders /Etc The Ministry of Human Resource Development [MHRD), Government of India has emphasized that there is a need of structure it’ mechanism for online registration as well as disposal of the grievances of students,/faculty/stakeholders in every Institution approved by AICTE.


1. Institution should be able to receive and dispose of the grievances online.
2. Institutes should ensure publicity/awareness of the establishment of Grievance Redress Mechanism/ Students Grievances Portal.
3. Institute should send monthly status report of Grievances received with their compliances.
4. All Grievances should solve in college level then and then only it will be consider as your online grievances cell working properly.
5. All the Grievances and its Redressal status reports will be verified by MHRD/ AICTE/UGC/University/State and central Government.
6. At the time of renewal of their permission/approval every year institute need to produce the performance of Grievance Redress Mechanism.

Disposal of Grievances

Respective Institute Grievance Redressal Committee’s Secretaries are responsible disposal of grievances. Secretary need to report to Institute head every month.


1. Visit College website
2. On Front page Click on Grievance and Redressal Link.
3. Download the respective Form.
4. Fill the form.
5. Scan the filled form and save it as pdf.
6. Send the scanned form (PDF) to concerned authority on email.
7. Also send one hard copy through post to institute.
8. Incomplete application will not be considered for redressal.

Download Application Forms

  • For Students
  • For Parents
  • For Faculty
  • For Alumni
  • For Society: (Vendor, local resident, Govt. authority, others)

Grievance complaint form



Sr. No Received Date Name of Grievances Class Details of Grievances Telephone No. Details of action taken Response given by whom Date of Respose Notes if any